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Re: 4 & 6 or 6 & 8 ?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:53 pm
by Ray from Indiana
2 years ago I had a guy replace my valve seats because of the beginnings of recession. I set them at the wider clearances as suggested by Oak until the valves and head gasket compression stabilized. That interim period is the only time the clearances were set wider. Went back to 4 & 6 after teh movements stopped and has been good ...( except for the time I reset 'em and forgot to fully tighten one exhaust adjuster - ouch )

Oh well seems like 4 & 6 is where theyr'e going to stay.

Re: 4 & 6 or 6 & 8 ?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:43 pm
by vanzen
The definitive answer may well depend
upon how often you will be willing to attend to the task of adjusting the valves ...
the specific interval between adjustments.