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Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:57 pm
by Jean
With the plugs OUT and the trans in Neutral, the engine should turn over easily. You cleverly didn't show the side where I would expect to see a it THERE? (If it does not turn easily, it's too tight, no matter HOW you try to turn it over...use a hex-key in the front of the crank like you do when you adjust the valves) )
You should do this first before trying to use the electric starter.
BUT, It sounds like your battery is not up to the job either. "New" doesn't make any magic if it decides to fail. It might take a charge, but have no ampacity...this happened to my VERY expensive sealed battery, early in life.
Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:12 pm
by Chuey
Well, I'm not ashamed to lust after those. Somehow, they look just right to me. Also, Nourish knows I'd like to have a set of them and I know he's intending to keep them. I just didn't want him to forget if he changes his mind.
Oh man, that's a great looking bike. What are the brakes? It looks like they still need hoses, etc., right? Did you make the brackets for the calipers?
Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:53 am
by Nourish
Hello Chuey. I did see a set of these wheels at an Auto Jumble here in the UK but they looked like they were for a MK3 Commando. The discs are 300mm diameter that came with the bike - the calipers from a Aprilia RSV - hope it's not too over braked. Yes I filed those brackets out of 3/4 Alloy plate and Anodized them.
Hi Jean . The motor span over quite freely without the plugs in with the second Valeo and the Bosch. The Bosch turned it over with the plugs in. Now with a fully charged battery it spins over much better so when I'm allowed back out in the garage I'll try again with the second Valeo that I have since cleaned up a bit. Cheers
Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:38 am
by ME 109
Neato Nourish!Looks like it will be a fun ride.
I've developed a sweet spot for the 90/6 over the years. I think Airbear's to blame for that.
I just had a thought, if you and Sunbeem went for a ride/camp, you could back the bikes up to each other and use those number plates for a roof over yer heads.
Chuey, iffen it ain't too rude to ask, what was the Nippondenso worth? I will head in the same direction when the time is right.
Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:09 am
by chasbmw
do you have original flywheel..............8 or 9 tooth starter required?
Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:35 pm
by Chuey
The Japanese starter cost $350.00. Mine was for the late, I think it's 9 tooth starter but it sounds like they now have one for the older 8 tooth starter as well.
Gene Berg said "Buy the best and cry once."
Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:19 pm
by chasbmw
Motoelectrics can supply 8 tooth Valeos, with a price shipped to the UK for not much more than a new 9 tooth valeo, it does work very nicely!
Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:01 pm
by RickR90s
Please tell us its not one of those MADE IN CHINA AGM's all over the Internet for $50.
had a recent horror story with one on a /5. Showed 12.8vdc and still wouldn't turn over the bike. Load testing revealed a paltry 25 CCA's. Since it was brand new, it should have been 175-200.
The retailer sent another one out (I had the owner buy an Odyssey). Problem solved.
New unit was sold to a friend who installed it in his /5. Guess what, same problem.
Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:52 am
by Jean
Cheap Batteries are JUST THAT. Cheap. It really is amazing what garbage is coming out of China, now. (Maybe it's really not, after all!)
Good wet batteries have a base reasonable cost as do good sealed ones based on materials and assembly costs.
Cheap, lighter Auto batteries have short plates that do not have adequate ampacity to "get-ur-done" and motorcycle batteries are the same. I'd guess AGM's sold for bargain prices are likewise lacking. I buy Batteries (for my cars) based on how hard they are to lift...and manage to squeeze a 425CCA U1-3 into my R100s...
Re: Starter Diognosis
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:56 pm
by Nourish
Well - I took the first Valeo apart and found it had one magnet missing and one was loose - a brilliant E Bay purchase!!. The second one I took apart and cleaned up the commutator and hey presto - it spins the engine over faster than the Bosch - Hooray. So to answer my own question - A dirty Commutator will sap power from the motor. Obvious really