Gloves and 2 Pc Rain Suit

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Re: Gloves and 2 Pc Rain Suit

Post by Chuey »

I be liking the Held gloves and will not look elsewhere. There's a reason. I guess I have long thumbs. (Insert monkey jokes here) Held is the only glove brand that I've tried that has long enough thumbs for mine. That said, if you need waterproof gloves, buy ones that are waterproof. Or, buy those overgloves mentioned above. After a trip where I was under-equipped, and forced to buy short thumbed gloves that are wonderfully waterproof, I watched ebay for months and months and bought a couple pairs of Held waterproof gloves.

On IBMWR, there are usually ads for waterproof suits from BMW or other respected companies. Very reasonably priced. I think they're mostly over suits. My one piece Aerostich (IBMWR) has been perfect behind the RS fairing in two day stints of downpour. That is where the RS fairing shines!

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