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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:40 am
by Ross wrote:Long rest ?
Start by digging a big hole in the backyard ...
The pool has no room in it now as I have already filled it in.

Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:41 am
by Ross
Airbear wrote:
Tim Shepherd wrote: ...and the valves are closed.
Only the two that are in the cylinder that is on the compression stroke.
(I'm sure you know that, Tim - it just slipped through your forget-ory)

Also worthwhile would be to tape up the open end of the mufflers, to stop those pesky mud-wasps building in there.
Now that I didn't think of as we do have heaps of them around doing their nests as we type.

Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:43 am
by Duane Ausherman
George Ryals wrote:Before you put the plugs back in, watch in the plug hole and run the pistons up to TDC.
This advice is the single most important thing to do, get it at TDC and don't turn the engine after that.

Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:17 pm
by hal
I guess my habit of turning the backwheel in fifth comes from the time with four-cylinder japs. You're the man Duane, i listen to you!

Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:22 am
by Duane Ausherman
I have seen people turn the wheel, but we never did that. For what reason would one do that? There are far better ways to turn the engine.

Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:41 am
by Garnet
Duane Ausherman wrote:I have seen people turn the wheel, but we never did that. For what reason would one do that? There are far better ways to turn the engine.
Most of the bikes in your shop would have had a kick start pedal. That mosty ended in 75. That leaves turning the engine over with the alternator bolt ( :roll: ) or putting the bike in gear and rolling it over with the rear wheel.

Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:36 pm
by Zombie Master
Airbear wrote:
Tim Shepherd wrote: ...and the valves are closed.
Also worthwhile would be to tape up the open end of the mufflers, to stop those pesky mud-wasps building in there.

It's all about those pesky religions taint it?

Many of above, then in the true Uber anal Bay Emm Vay tradition.

Pesky ZM suggestions:

Empty tank, swish (coat) with motor oil, run a bit through fuel valve into float bowls. Oil in spark plug holes, or better yet a marine type cylinder preservative spray. Set pistons at TDC re-rotate monthly to take pressure off of some valve springs and pump the clean synthetic oil through system. Synthetic is a superior storage oil. Take bike off center stand an pump suspension monthly along with (rotate) hydraulic steering damper actuation. Occasionally rotate rear drive. Apply brakes several times make sure they are not sticking.

Move to a country that doesn't have mud wasps!

Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 2:14 am
by Deleted User 287
Airbear wrote: Also worthwhile would be to tape up the open end of the mufflers, to stop those pesky mud-wasps building in there.

(thanks zm)

Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:38 am
by boxertwinjeff
What length of storage time are you guys talking here, 6 months?
Is it ok to leave my bike for 2 months with only the Petcocks switched off and
having sprayed WD-40 in the spark plug holes? Climate is quite humid.

Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:48 pm
by Deleted User 287
boxertwinjeff wrote:What length of storage time are you guys talking here, 6 months?
Is it ok to leave my bike for 2 months with only the Petcocks switched off and
having sprayed WD-40 in the spark plug holes? Climate is quite humid.
Fill the tank full, or drain it and remove the petcocks to get any nasty out of the bottom of the tank - then refill with the best fuel you can find. If you have a good tank liner I would leave it empty and leave the cap off for a few days to let it dry out. Empty the float bowls. Then crank it over a few times to suck air through the orifices. Disconnect and charge the battery.