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Re: "errors in Clymer Manual ??"

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:38 am
by mattcfish
Tim Shepherd wrote:Not exactly a settling thought, is it? :? We should do a thread on "things found wrong in manuals".
I love Haynes manuals, but...long ago when I owned a 1969 Fiat 124 spyder, they said the tranny took 20w50 and they had the valve timing in reverse. I went through 3 trannies (I was a teenager) and spent many frustrating hours after replacing the overhead cam seals with a seriously back firing motor. It's good to look at a factory manual every once and a while. ;)
Plus...they call hoods bonnets, tops hoods and trunks boots. Very confusing....

Re: 1970 R75/5 vs R75/S ??

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:08 am
by Deleted User 62
Heh, reminds me of my Suzuki jeep owners manual, which had a procedure for adjusting the "reef" springs...

Re: 1970 R75/5 vs R75/S ??

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:38 am
by Duane Ausherman
It would be faster to just include what was correct.

Re: 1970 R75/5 vs R75/S ??

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:01 am
by Rob Frankham
the quinner wrote:
Rob Frankham wrote:R60S, R90S or R100S... never a R75/S. Must be a misprint. What seals it for me is that BMW never used the "/" on the S designation.

What's an R60S? We never had such a model in the US. The only 1970+ "S" models available in the US were the R90S (MYs 1974, 75, 76)...and the R100S (MYs 1977, 78, 79-80). In 1981, the R100S became the R100CS (MYs 1981-84)...reportedly, there were a few 1981-84 models designated R100S for the California market. After that, nothing called an "S" until the oilhead version came out. Over the years, there were a few "dealer specials" that were designated "S" ...but they were not factory designations.
Apologies... typo, should have been R50S