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Re: S fairing brace.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:15 pm
by mattcfish
Congratulations on your fabrication.
Have I got a treat for you. I've been working on grafting a full race Yamaha TZ750 (OW31) fairing on my R90. A couple nights a week since November. Hope to have it on the road "in rough form" in a few weeks. Been challenging but well worth it. I'll have pics soon.

Re: S fairing brace.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:27 pm
by twist
can't wait! I enjoy seeing the work of others. I still have a few ideas for modifying this fitting that will make it easier to remove and I want to relocate the electrics to clean things up some. A complete rewire is in order. Working on this bike has become difficult since we sold our house with a garage and now I'm in a condominium with secure parking and the HOA's don't permit working on vehicles in there. It's NOT a vehicle, it's a motorcycle! Damn, I wish they could get that through they heads.

Re: S fairing brace.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:35 pm
by twist
A few photos of the brace, thanks vanzen, this is the easy way with stuff from the local hardware store. When I finally get one welded up Ill post that as well.

