Re: oil temp/pressure gauge
Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:51 pm
Stephen that's a very slick oil pressure measuring system. I remember you had a nicewrite up on how you built it over on ADV website. I'm sure some guys would like to see how you did it..perhaps post the link to your how-to here?StephenB wrote:I too thought about the merits of oil temp vs oil pressure gauges on a non-oil cooler Airhead. Besides, I don't like the factory oil pressure sensor (digital output: red light or no light) and prefer the analog output of a pressure sensor on a gauge.
I choose pressure over temp, mainly for the one reason that I couldn't measure the oil temperature where it counts, at the piston. I.e., I could not figure out the relationship between oil temp in the sump (or wherever your sender is) and at the piston (linear/non-0linear etc). I did play around with it: I sometimes had 120C oil temp with the deep sump (pre-GS) and was very scared how that would translate into oil temperature at the piston. At the same time, the oil pressure was still above 40psi (60psi was "normal") which was a better piece of information.
The oil pressure represents the sum of various engine conditions, oil temperature being only one of them. Health of your oil pump is another.
My 0-160psi oil pressure gauge shows very high oil pressure when starting cold in Fall or Winter reminding me not to flog the engine when its cold. It takes a while even for an Airhead to get to operating temperatures (which results in oil pressure values around 60psi). I learned a lot form the oil pressure gauge and how to read it and utilize the information. It provides you with trends rather than accurate values.
Here is mine on my home-built R100G/S:
My vote: oil pressure gauge all the way.