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Re: Crossover pipe
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:34 pm
by tomjohnston
There must be a tiny difference between bikes because I have to remove the pipes to change the filter on my R100RS. Even with the split oil filter, which helps, but not enough. Thanks people for the help. Can't get this kind of service anywhere else ! TJ
Re: Crossover pipe
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:52 am
by montmil
For what it's worth, gents, I recently purchased new Dunstall peashooter repops for my '83 R65. The OEM exhaust headers were well worn with a truly ugly patina and had the two x-over pipes. I cut off both cross-over stubs and used bits of the original x-over tubes to create block off plates for the headers. A little TIG work and the now single headers were cleaned up a bit and wrapped with a tan, 1-inch wide exhaust wrap. The new muffs were a fine fit.
My seat o' the pants dynometer can tell no difference in performance nor mpg.
Sure is simple to remove the exhaust system.