That's just it SteveD, this time I saw zero that were assembled; usually I see some - you know like the ones that say "excellent splines" and then they borrow the old trick from the B&W film romance era of globbing a bunch of Vasolene on a filter so you can't see how "ate up" the splines truly are... lol
What was funny is I think one of the cases that had been media blasted and such they were asking in the range of what I have seen entire early transmissions in "good or decent" working shape WITH SPLINES go for, about $125.00. I think my spare cost no more, but like I said it was just weird, a pile of parts and cases and not a single cover to be found... I'm just glad I never stooped to that after getting the "shaft" on that cover so long ago. I finally got a sample and a CAD drawing and then a shim; no destruction required... In all seriousness on the early period transmissions, I've seen people ask between $85-$100 to nearly $200 for them over the years.
In an unrelated annoyance category is the fella ruining all manner of parts by polishing them to chrome-like luster so they may never be returned to original condition and then charging extra for ruining said parts!
FOR SHAME! (Just my take at least...) Also that perusal yielded about 4-5 "HIGH-FLOW air-boxes that had been turned into Swiss cheese. hmmm, I wonder why they are selling them? Couldn't JB-weld the holes shut?

I know I cannot blame Duane for either one of those bone-headed ideas, dang it!