That will narrow the search. It will show solonoid and starter are functioning.
Ooh, make sure bike is in neutral or of it will go down the road without you.

boxertwinjeff wrote:I remember when I first bought the bike, the starter button would work so I used to kickstart it
till last year when it suddenly started working again.
Theres a plan,,, more like go right through my shed and out the otherside!ME 109 wrote:How about jumping a wire direct from battery positive to starter positive (big fat terminal) It should kick as soon as contact is made.
That will narrow the search. It will show solonoid and starter are functioning.
Ooh, make sure bike is in neutral or of it will go down the road without you.
No worries at all Jeff, glad I could help.boxertwinjeff wrote:Thanks for your help ME.
oops, didnt read this, forget my lastboxertwinjeff wrote:I think we may have it!, yeh I unscrewed the Start button switch and reconnected the wires....Bingo! ignition.
appears just a loose wire muzzled Wolfy, I had a mental block on that earlier problem!
Anyway, I'll check it a few times in the morning before I reassemble the bike!! he he
I suppose its all good practice in finding my way around in there!
Thanks for your help ME.