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Re: Odd spring in bottom of 77 Type 1 fork
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:34 am
by dwire
mattcfish wrote:The biggest advantage I can see to the springs is that they don't desolve
Err. yeah. I'd not endorse them (the springs) at all, but I can say with all certainty, the bumpers do dissolve after 40 years or so.

Oddly, If I recall, I want to say - and I'll have to double check when I get the bike moved out to the garage where I can get down to business, but I "think" my forks had stock springs, dissolved rubbers (that's sure) yet short springs like those on TOP. I could be losing it on that, but there was some strange combination(s) going on in my tired forks.
As an aside, buy the bumpers - don't be a dope and try and fashion some even out of the proper rubber unless you have the correct info for their ORIGINAL dimensions. Elsewhere on the forum you can find my failing(s) in this regard...
Re: Odd spring in bottom of 77 Type 1 fork
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:50 am
by Seth
I found a similar small spring while rebuilding the forks on a 77 R100S. On a 75 R90S I used the bumpers and the "heavy duty" BMW springs and found them to a better solution. If I get to do the R100S again (it's currently 1800 miles away), I'll do it again with the bumpers and HD springs.