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Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:03 pm
by Jean
Agree about the U-joint. but concerning the drive:
Just keep an eye on it; however, it sounds like this is a happy ending.
How far to the rally?

Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:59 am
by Deleted User 287
Wow! That rally is the weekend I am taking off work! Too bad I don't care for camping or rallying, but I will be down in that neck of the woods doing the post-break-in "break-in" of my new CBR250R.

I'm planning on eating lunch at Lurton's Cafe in Commiskey. It's supposed to have good food, lots of it and for not too much money!

Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:53 am
by Steve in Golden
justoneoftheguys wrote:Wow! That rally is the weekend I am taking off work! Too bad I don't care for camping or rallying, but I will be down in that neck of the woods doing the post-break-in "break-in" of my new CBR250R.
You don't like camping? What are ya, communist? ;)

I've never been to a rally.

Whatever happened to the annual Boxerworks rallies? Just when I was thinking I would like to go to the next one at Ken's, they don't happen anymore, it seems.

Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:00 pm
by Deleted User 287
Steve in Golden wrote:What are ya, communist?
No, I am an agoraphobic Socialist....

Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:04 pm
by Airbear
Steve in Golden wrote: I've never been to a rally.

Whatever happened to the annual Boxerworks rallies? Just when I was thinking I would like to go to the next one at Ken's, they don't happen anymore, it seems.
They've moved to Oz. Plenty happening here. Any excuse will do.
If any of you 'mericans were to turn up in Oz that would be a suitable reason to hold a rally.

Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:03 pm
by Steve in Golden
Airbear wrote:
Steve in Golden wrote: I've never been to a rally.

Whatever happened to the annual Boxerworks rallies? Just when I was thinking I would like to go to the next one at Ken's, they don't happen anymore, it seems.
They've moved to Oz. Plenty happening here. Any excuse will do.
If any of you 'mericans were to turn up in Oz that would be a suitable reason to hold a rally.
I'd love to visit Oz and our Aussie Boxerworks friends sometime.

In fact, sometimes I think I should emigrate. Maybe the next war we start will be my cue. Just have to convince the wife and kid...

Do you guys need any computer programmers over there?

Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:16 pm
by ME 109
Steve in Golden wrote: I'd love to visit Oz and our Aussie Boxerworks friends sometime.

In fact, sometimes I think I should emigrate. Maybe the next war we start will be my cue. Just have to convince the wife and kid...

Do you guys need any computer programmers over there?
Sure Steve, we need all sorts of skilled people.
Come on over, the door's wide open.

We have the best motorcycling country too.
And kangaroos. We have kangaroos.
Did I say we have kangaroos?

Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:43 pm
by Deleted User 72
ME 109 wrote:
Steve in Golden wrote: I'd love to visit Oz and our Aussie Boxerworks friends sometime.

In fact, sometimes I think I should emigrate. Maybe the next war we start will be my cue. Just have to convince the wife and kid...

Do you guys need any computer programmers over there?
Sure Steve, we need all sorts of skilled people.
Come on over, the door's wide open.

We have the best motorcycling country too.
And kangaroos. We have kangaroos.
Did I say we have kangaroos?
I know you have kangaroos, but are they everywhere? Or are there just lots of them? Are there perhaps lots of them everywhere? I was just wondering.

Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:06 pm
by Steve in Golden
If you've seen any of Jeff's videos he has lots of roos everywhere on his property.

He has a very nice property too.

Re: Now I Dood It

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:49 pm
by Airbear
It's rare to see a kangaroo sipping coffee in the High street.
You do see them boiling the billy out by the side of roads in the bush.

For any 'mericans thinking of emigrating, a warning - you will be required to pass an entry exam.
For instance, you will be required to prove that you not only like Vegemite, but that you know how to use it effectively.
Here's a clue ...
