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Re: Left side switch wiring (horn, headlights) Help Needed

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:05 am
by Jean
I thought you had beer for breakfast!?

Re: Left side switch wiring (horn, headlights) Help Needed

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:54 pm
by Airbear
Jean wrote:I thought you had beer for breakfast!?
Only at rallies, Jean. I have found that beer is not all that conducive to productivity or precision, so that very movable yardarm is utilised as an indicator of 'beer o'clock', an important part of every day. I have bottled 15,000 stubbies of home-brew over the last seven years, but have only a couple of hundred in stock. Where the rest have gone is a complete mystery.

This thread is drifting nicely.

Re: Left side switch wiring (horn, headlights) Help Needed

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:59 pm
by Jean
We might ought go back and "drift" a bit on Katie's thread...
I am working on the metrics for an extension of "100 bottles of beer on the wall" song to accomodate 15,000 stubbies.
Having a little trouble getting the beat just right yet...maybe need another...

Re: Left side switch wiring (horn, headlights) Help Needed

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:50 am
by ME 109
Airbear wrote: Where the rest have gone is a complete mystery.

Re: Left side switch wiring (horn, headlights) Help Needed

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:18 pm
by Airbear
Jean wrote:We might ought go back and "drift" a bit on Katie's thread...
I am working on the metrics for an extension of "100 bottles of beer on the wall" song to accomodate 15,000 stubbies.
Having a little trouble getting the beat just right yet...maybe need another...
Would the term 'kilostubby' help? Let me know how you go and I'll work on the fiddle part.

Not sure where Katie's thread could drift to - we've covered a fair bit. Might need a toke or two to find the wherewithal.

I wonder what Snapper will make of this if s/he returns. The Major's Boxerworks Rules should be published on the forum masthead, to avoid confusion.

Re: Left side switch wiring (horn, headlights) Help Needed

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:26 am
by Jean
One of the rules needs to be "Don't post if you are not coming back, without a really good excuse".
Things drift quite easily here...If someone is hurt, dies or whatever I think that is a good excuse for not coming back right away.

Re: Left side switch wiring (horn, headlights) Help Needed

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:41 pm
by Airbear
Since some folks here believe in an afterlife, even death should not be a viable excuse.

Must confess (just between you and me) that I once asked a silly question on a Mercedes forum and then the act of hitting the 'submit' button triggered a revelation re the solution. Then I couldn't remember the password. The guilt is getting to me now, and it's many hours till beer o'clock and salvation. Woe.

Re: Left side switch wiring (horn, headlights) Help Needed

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:03 am
by Jean
We could talk about Mercedes' (old ones) for a while...My first one was a '61 190D. My friends called it "the cement mixer" because of the noises it made.
Then there's Diesel VW's...
I think I'll go over to the NOAA website and see how the Typhoon/Cyclone/Hurricane is doing.