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Re: Carb cleaning

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:43 pm
by dwerbil
Hey Ken, great to hear from you!

I bought a gallon of NAPA carb cleaner the other day; and per instruction, soaked each carb (parts too) for twenty minutes. After a through rinse, I did the carb cleaner spray, steel wire, and compressed air tricks to all little drilled passages here and there.

Since I never seem to have guitar string around, I've always used picture frame braided wire. In fact, I keep a bit of it in the bike's tool kits. Ken, as you may recall from the May '06 Boxerworks Forum Rally, Gerard from Florida came hobbling in on his ill-running airhead. It took a bit of time, but he and Larryfixit found the problem with one of those tiny holes being plugged.....

Re: Carb cleaning

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:32 am
by Deleted User 72
dwerbil wrote:.... Gerard from Florida came hobbling in on his ill-running airhead. It took a bit of time, but he and Larryfixit found the problem with one of those tiny holes being plugged.....
Ditto for me in '07. Yea, Larry.

Yea, Ken's back!

Re: Carb cleaning

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:54 am
by Ken in Oklahoma
Native /5 wrote: . . . Ditto for me in '07. Yea, Larry . . .

I remember that Native. You were verrrrrry happy!

No moss grows on Larry Fixit. I see him as a sort of whirling dervish of airhead fixin' (or anything else that gets in his range, actually).


Re: Carb cleaning

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:17 pm
by Jean
Use some fine copper wire next time to clean those little holes. STEEL wire CAN change the size and might raise a burr someplace where you don't want!
Unravel a piece of lamp wire for instance...or some other stranded flexible wire.

Re: Carb cleaning

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:39 pm
by dwerbil
The RS is a-running fine now, other than sync'ing the carbs. Will do that tomorrow.

Geez...prices from Bing sure have jumped since I last needed to do a carb rebuild. I bought the basic gasket and o-ring set for two, along with two needles and jets and one set of floats. With freight, it was 150 bucks. Ouch!

Re: Carb cleaning

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:41 pm
by dwerbil
Jean wrote:Use some fine copper wire next time to clean those little holes. STEEL wire CAN change the size and might raise a burr someplace where you don't want!
Unravel a piece of lamp wire for instance...or some other stranded flexible wire.
What I've used is the flimsiest of wire. It's on the line of angel hair, so to speak.

Re: Carb cleaning

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:45 pm
by Deleted User 62
Too late now, but next time check out the prices of carb rebuild gasket sets etc at