These are a bit of a cult bike in a few places, kinda like a G/S is , hold their value well, and are not a commonly parted out in Oz
All the engine and most other parts are readily available, at sensible prices, ($100- piston and rings, $190- crankpin , bearing and rod, $80- for a complete clutch) so it is possible and practical to rebuild them as an everyday ride.
They are a pleasant enough little bike, for their intended use - I have knobbies on mine and it goes into the mud/sand where I dont take the airheads with their 80/20 road type tires.
Adelaide, Oz. 77 R75/7. 86 R80 G/S PD, 93 R100 GS, 70 BSA B44 VS ,BMW F650 Classic
It took me a while to realize you weren't asking about the thread on your airhead. I was going to head out to the garage to check a partially disassembled engine to see if the threads had a hollow section before the threads - which I thought I remembered they didn't.
I will check tomorrow when I get to work. I think my 6mm helicoil kit has a pretty long tap supplied with it. If that is the case, I would be happy to mail it to you for your repair. There's a lot going on at the shop right now, so feel free to remind me if it seems I have forgotten to check.
Chuey wrote:It took me a while to realize you weren't asking about the thread on your airhead.
That was the reason for my flippant response.
I'm reading this post, and trying to imagine a Type 247 block, until I finally click on the link...
The original post is always supposed to have the Year, Make And Model. ESPECIALLY when you throw a non-airhead BMW into the mix.
Since the link reads:, I had no such problems and knew he was talking about his recently mentioned 650 even before I clicked the link. Actually, now that I think about it, I knew it wasn't an airhead when I read the first sentence: "I have a stripped case thread, one of three bolts that hold an oil filter cover that seals with an O ring." So, I was already looking to see if it was the Yamaha or the "Shitzuki."
Major Softie wrote:Actually, now that I think about it, I knew it wasn't an airhead when I read the first sentence: "I have a stripped case thread, one of three bolts that hold an oil filter cover that seals with an O ring."
Does not a 247 oil filter cover fasten with three "bolts" and seal with a [$2000] o-ring?
I didn't look at the link, I will admit, and I didn't read the thread or post where he recently mentioned the bike.