R90S info

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Re: R90S info

Post by boxertwinjeff »

Ah, so thats an S your having, when your not having an S..
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Re: R90S info

Post by hools100RS »

Well done Jeff. The R90S is a fabulous machine and Silver smoke or Daytona orange, is drop dead gorgeous and probably one of the most useable 70's classics out there. I'm the proud and biased owner of a much loved '75 DO 90S. I have invoked the eire of many 'BMWists' for not keeping the bike strictly standard. I have rear set the pegs, and adopted a number of minor detail embelishments that I love and that distinguishes the bike as mine!!!What did peev me was a recent article in British mag Classic Bike. I thought the article, a comparo between a '73 Ducati 750 Sport and a first year 90S, painted the 90S in a less than complimentary light. Mainly due, I think, to the journo having no idea about BM's and dead nerve endings in his arse, err,seat of his pants .Frankly a 750 Sport (non desmo, ho hum cam, little carbs) wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding! As renowned Two Wheels mechanical maestro and self confessed Ducati nut Anthony Seymour once stated, his mates 90S would comfotably do 200 kph and his Ducati (750 Sport )wouldn't. Bet I've upset someone. On ya Jeff you'll love it!

Last edited by hools100RS on Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:42 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: R90S info

Post by Duane Ausherman »

2valve wrote:hi jeff , when i was looking for one the bm guy said to buy the 1975 on, bigger front axle /drilled rotors / better gearbox design/ hella swithgear / not sure on this one but was told the earlier model has a smaller alt ? so i found a 1975 model in daytona orange. have a really good look over it to make sure that it has all of the right parts as chasbmw said ! value wise i suppose its up to the purhaser's pocket and what the owner " would " like for it . another forum i visit stated ten thousand and up for them, as for the value mines insured for around twenty grand. i have a original broucher just in case youd like to check either way that the parts on it are correct,
Never trust a brochure for accuracy. BMw often put together something for the photo shoot, but often it was not ever produced in that scheme.
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Re: R90S info

Post by Duane Ausherman »

As a general rule the last model of any series is the best one mechanically, as they got the bugs worked out. The 74 models were full of "less than ideal" components. Wasn't that nicely said?
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Re: R90S info

Post by boxertwinjeff »

hools100RS wrote:Well done Jeff. The R90S is a fabulous machine and Silver smoke or Daytona orange, is drop dead gorgeous and probably one of the most useable 70's classics out there. I'm the proud and biased owner of a much loved '75 DO 90S. I have invoked the eire of many 'BMWists' for not keeping the bike strictly standard. I have rear set the pegs, and adopted a number of minor detail embelishments that I love and that distinguishes the bike as mine!!!What did peev me was a recent article in British mag Classic Bike. I thought the article, a comparo between a '73 Ducati 750 Sport and a first year 90S, painted the 90S in a less than complimentary light. Mainly due, I think, to the journo having no idea about BM's and dead nerve endings in his arse, err,seat of his pants .Frankly a 750 Sport (non desmo, ho hum cam, little carbs) wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding! As renowned Two Wheels mechanical maestro and self confessed Ducati nut Anthony Seymour once stated, his mates 90S would comfortably do 200 kph and his Ducati (750 Sport )wouldn't. Bet I've upset someone. On ya Jeff you'll love it!

Thanks for the positive words mate, I'm sure I will!,.. still don't believe it myself... I WAS originally looking at R75 Toasters to import for resale, got a feeling Wolfy my 'ol R1000/5 might be gonna get territorial ha ha!

Last edited by boxertwinjeff on Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: R90S info

Post by khittner1 »

If you like either paint scheme (at different times I've had both the silver smoke and Daytona orange and loved the appearance of both), you'll enjoy yours. I liked the more contemporary switchgear of the '75 and '76 models. Enjoy your new ride!
Last edited by khittner1 on Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: R90S info

Post by boxertwinjeff »

Duane Ausherman wrote:As a general rule the last model of any series is the best one mechanically, as they got the bugs worked out. The 74 models were full of "less than ideal" components. Wasn't that nicely said?

Well thankfully Duane my new aquisition is a '76 model
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Re: R90S info

Post by Chuey »

I love mine. Mine is made up from 1974-1976 parts. Engine-1976 real R90S and most of the rest is more 1974. The wheels were built by me and have flanged rims and stainless spokes. CC rearsets and a handlebar that is about an inch and a half lower. Mirrors are bar end. It's dual plugged but I don't think that matters for much and it has Boyer ignition. Switch gear is '74, so the older style but I just don't seem to care as much about switch gear as long as it doesn't fail. Koni rear shocks with red springs. I'd like to make a seat with a hump to keep me from sliding back when getting on it.

I like both paint schemes but Daytona Orange reminds me of a Palomino horse's coloring and it's my fave. Mine is DO. His name is Stan. Stan likes the mountains and he likes to keep his heart a'pumpin' up around the switchbacks of Palomar Mt.

If you and your new bike have as much fun as Stan and I do, you have made a good investment!

Please post some pictures when you get the bike.

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Re: R90S info

Post by boxertwinjeff »

No Problem Chuey, how bout a pic of yours?
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Re: R90S info

Post by SteveD »

boxertwinjeff wrote:Well, I'm now the proud owner of a 1976 ( Build date 10/75 ) Silver Smoke R90S, picked her up for $AU 7,700 allowed
$ 2,000 for Shipping & Importation Costs...just hoping theirs no surprises install for me from Australian Customs!
Any of you Ozzies know of,.. or had experience importing Motorcycles from the United States? Cheers Jeff.
Is that $7700 all up or $9700 :?: Either way, that seems the range here in Oz, though frequently more is asked.

I don't have any experience importing bikes from anywhere. They need to be of certain age don't they :?: Something before 1989 :?: If that's wrong then do you know the year :?:

A mate has a 1935 Triumph 550cc 5/1 side valve that he's been offered a 60/5 for as a direct swap. I've suggested he find out what the Triumph is really worth before he jumps in. He is keen on the /5 though which the guy has for around OZ$6K. It's a NA import from Nevada. I've seen a 75/5 for less than US$3800 from somewhere in Ohio. I reckon he'd be better off with the 750 and still a little ahead on money. If only he knew what the Triumph was worth and could find a buyer.
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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