Garnet wrote:Good luck Dougie. I tried to sell mine but I just couldn't do it.
Indeed, Garnet.
I've never even tried to sell an airhead. (Well, duh, everyone is thinking?) A friend once had a neighbor wanting to buy a piece of her property (which was even outside her fence out of sight). Her litmus test was whether or not selling the property would improve her quality of life. That sounds like a fairly well thought out notion.
It's not my litmus test though. My line of demarcation is more extreme. (I reckon one could reduce the question to bang for the buck?) Like most things psychological, one is never really all that sure of the total question, let alone the best answer. And from past experience I want to be pretty sure that I will, after time, regard the selling decision I made as a good, uh, make that a wise one.
Art collectors don't seem to get criticized for hoarding. (Nor have I been.) But an unspoken criticism seems to always be hanging in the air. (Why am I suddenly thinking of Franz Kafka?) And luckily, like many people posting here, I seem to be my own man (so to speak).
Dougie's decision to sell his airhead is simply the flip side of the same coin. There's no doubt in my mind but that, for him, selling his airhead is the right decision.
There will come a time when all my airheads will be sold, perhaps even for bargain basement prices. My job in the meantime is to "do no harm".