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Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 6:46 pm
by lelocp
i tried to center the butterfly and it seems that there is very little light coming in from certain areas. Im expecting that it wont be perfect and some light will pass through, correct me if im wrong.
Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:50 pm
by ME 109
lelocp wrote:i tried to center the butterfly and it seems that there is very little light coming in from certain areas. Im expecting that it wont be perfect and some light will pass through, correct me if im wrong.
With all parts in good order, no light is the ideal.
If incorrectly placed the butterfly's will show light at the top and bottom.
The smallest amount of light at the sides may be acceptable, but it would be good if others could confirm or deny my take on this.
Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 7:30 am
by barryh
ME 109 wrote:
If incorrectly placed the butterfly's will show light at the top and bottom.
The smallest amount of light at the sides may be acceptable, but it would be good if others could confirm or deny my take on this.
I remember setting mine for a very fine even ring of light around the butterfly to indcate it was centered. What I don't remember is whether the throttle stop screw was backed off or at it's normal idle setting.
Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 7:46 pm
by lelocp
i ordered new throttle plates so if i notice any change then ill let you guys know
Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:01 pm
by Major Softie
lelocp wrote:i ordered new throttle plates so if i notice any change then ill let you guys know
I very much doubt there was anything wrong with them (unless you saw damage). New ones will still require the same correct installation that the old ones would need if they were installed incorrectly.
Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:13 pm
by lelocp
ok, i have one more question, what size fan should i use to cool the bike when working on it so it doesn't overheat
Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:40 pm
by Major Softie
I depends somewhat on ambient temperature, but I like to have two of those big box fans: one pointed at each cylinder.
That's not actually what I use because I have access to a stupidly powerful industrial fan from work that we use in the theatre to create wind effects. It's about 3' in diameter and can blow tools around the floor of my garage.
You don't need that, but, if you've got it, use it.
Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:18 pm
by lelocp
so i was doing a compression check and when i went to crank the motor there was this sound as if a short happened somewhere and i began smelling burning wire and now by bike wont turn on at all (no power) Battery is charged, could i have burned a wire. whats your take in it
Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:37 pm
by lelocp
i waited a few minutes and installed the ignition key, the battery light went on for 5 seconds and then cut out
Re: bmw r75/5 idle
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:17 pm
by ME 109
Disconnect the battery to prevent risk of fire.
Tank off and thorough visual inspection first.
It could be anything.