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Re: Now what, HELICOIL TIME.
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:43 pm
by Duane Ausherman
The nut (acorn) on the valve cover center must not be tightened up. Even when new, it won't take the torque and will pull the threads out. We only tightened it up to a few lbs. by feel. The outer 10 mm nuts get tighter, as they will take it. Still, they don't need much torque to seal.
That nut was 14 mm up through most of 1964 and then changed over to 13 mm nuts. That was the year that many fasteners were changed over, but not all at once. When BMW ran out, they opened up the box of new (smaller) ones and kept on working.
Re: Now what, HELICOIL TIME.
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:41 pm
by Deleted User 287
Jean wrote:Rob, what's the allen key FOR?
The passenger seat pops off with the key.
The riders seat is held in place with two allen screws.
The battery is under the rider's seat.
Apparently Honda only thinks U.S. riders only need to access the battery in times of distress.
We are 1st World, you know - we all have insurance companies that will tow our bike to an authorized dealer...
Yes - the rest of the world got the tool kit that Garnet described.
And Jean - the picture of the BMW kit I showed is for a mono-shock - hence the lug wrench.
Re: Now what, HELICOIL TIME.
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:50 pm
by jagarra
I managed to kluge together a set of tools to keep on the bike. Odds and ends from E-bay and Harbor Freight. Have lusted over complete or so they say they are complete sets I see on e-bay, but they end up going for $125.00 or more.
Took the bike for a ride today went through those round abouts that I was hitting the side stand on before. Now thanks to new HD fork springs and the correct fork oil no problem. I but the correct size tires made a difference too, ended up with Michelins 3.25x19 and 4.00x18, I can feel they are just a bit taller than the metric size I had on there before.
Near the end of the ride before I got home, I could hear that tinking sound again, from the right side again. Will open it up again tomorrow to see what moved this time. It seems that side play feels good when you adjust it, but then it seems to move. I did stone the bottom of one of the blocks, may have to do both to ensure they are flat. If the blocks are symmetrical, can you just flip them over and start with fresh surfaces?