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Re: R90 Wiring Map

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:24 pm
by Airbear
richard t wrote:charlie I like to have a copy
Gladly, Richard. I can send an email to you using the Boxerworks software but I can't include an attachment. Please send me an email or a PM with your address (just click on 'Airbear' to see options) and I'll be able to attach the PDF. Cheers.

Re: R90 Wiring Map

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:56 pm
by Jean
I'd rather have the wire colors noted in text than in color. What the wires look like and how colors reproduce on a drawing are not the same. Both notations are OK, tho.
YES, it's difficult to follow a chematic that has a lot of parallel wires when the drawing is small. I enlarged my Haynes to 11 X 17 for the R75/5 and it's quite readable. some of the pictures for the various components are tricky to understand at first tho.

Re: R90 Wiring Map

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:19 pm
by Airbear
Jean wrote:I'd rather have the wire colors noted in text than in color. What the wires look like and how colors reproduce on a drawing are not the same. ...
Jean, I wondered about whether I should include the text labels for the colours. It would be a simple addition, and I could even include the standard German codes.

I have looked longingly at the diagram for the /5. It is delightfully simple. I might run one up just for the experience.

Re: R90 Wiring Map

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:43 am
by Jean
Since we are talking about schematics, ONE of my tricks is to put the B/W print in an inepensive plastic sleeve. Then use a higlihter to trace the wire I want to follow on the plastic. That way the schematic is not ruined, and I can easily spot what I need to know.
A piece of kitchen plastic film stretched over the schematic mounted on a piece of cardboard, is also handy to use in the shop...Easy to read and make notes on.
IF you have a small schematic, a copy shop can make you a copy in 11><17 (my eccs key just failed!!) then use it with the plastic and it's good for a long time.

Re: R90 Wiring Map

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:50 am
by Garnet
"I have looked longingly at the diagram for the /5. It is delightfully simple. I might run one up just for the experience."

There might be a beer in there for you Charlie! 8-)

Re: R90 Wiring Map

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:52 am
by Airbear
Jean wrote:... (my eccs key just failed!!) ...
Nice workaround but Holy Sheepshit, Jean! How e'eccs'actly are you going to get by without an 'eccs' in the long term?
(Note that I am deliberately refraining from using the real 'eccs' key because to do so may cause envy and embarrassment.)

ps: my vote for the culprit is toast crumbs. It's always toast crumbs - or something that looks like toast crumbs.

Re: R90 Wiring Map

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:26 am
by richard t
Charlie thanks for the wiring map

Richard t :D

Re: R90 Wiring Map

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:49 pm
by Airbear
Garnet wrote:"I have looked longingly at the diagram for the /5. It is delightfully simple. I might run one up just for the experience."

There might be a beer in there for you Charlie! 8-)
Ah, now yer talking, Garnet. Leave it with me - I'll do it when that is 'The Next Thing to Do'.

Re: R90 Wiring Map

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:05 pm
by Airbear
richard t wrote:Charlie thanks for the wiring map

Richard t :D
Most welcome, Richard.

Further news: I've sent the PDF to 8 members so far and I'm looking forward to getting some feedback. In the meantime I've removed Brunhilde's headlight and instruments - she's getting a new 'face' (new chinese copy of a Ural headlight plus an Acewell electronic instrument). In the process I've been thinking about some changes to the diagram, particularly to do with what happens inside the instrument pod. I want to include a better representation of the instrument connector plus the printed circuit with the idiot lights in the correct arrangement.

So hold the presses, I'm working on Revision 2, which I will send to all recipients of revision 1.

Edited to add a ps: I will also include optional wiring for the Omega ignition and for a 3-pin indicator relay.