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Re: New member with new to me r65

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:26 am
by Rob
Most definitely get the fork gaiters. BMW makes two different ones OEM. You want the ones with fewer ribs, I believe. BMW also sells nice pipe clamps to hold them in place. Even got a roundel stamped on them.

Tires? I always liked the Bridgestone Spitfires. There are as many opinions as their are tires. Don't forget new tubes. Real rubber if you can find them, however, your wheel, while not "designed" to run tubeless, are some of the better OEM wheels for doing so.

You should probably plan on taking the forks completely apart and inspect for broken-down nylon bumpers.
Watch those tiny drain plugs on the rear of the fork legs. They strip out terribly easily. You can forget about a torque wrench on a lot of the steel fasteners going into aluminium threads.

If you have never disconnected the drive shaft from the gearbox, you are in for another treat. Not hard, just different.

Do you have the original tool kit? I would imagine so, with a history like your bike has. The 10x12 box spanner is great for the procedure mentioned above.

Take many many many pictures as you take things apart. Keep a backup on a 2nd hard drive. :)

Re: New member with new to me r65

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:17 pm
by The Veg
Beautiful bike Kevin! Welcome to the asylum!

Here's what Hans Muth has been up to lately:


You can read more about it here.

Re: New member with new to me r65

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:25 pm
by montmil
You want an asylum?

We got your asylum...

Right here!


Re: New member with new to me r65

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:46 pm
by Rob
I think I need to watch that movie again.

Re: New member with new to me r65

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:01 pm
by bbelk
Welcome - and thats a very nice looking bike!

Whatever I have learned about any of these airheads seems to apply equally well to my R90 as my R65 and parts seem to be equally accessible, although I have paid a little more for some used R65 parts as there are less of them out there.

I am sure you will love it.