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Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:43 pm
by Major Softie
boxertwinjeff wrote:I know I can use Staintunes email contact form, though I need to email photos to them,
Has anyone Staintune's email address?
Google is your friend.

Putting "Staintune email" into google got this site as the first hit:

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:50 pm
by boxertwinjeff
Exactly right MS, I got that up too, but as I said, I'm not after their Contact form,
I need their Email Address so I can attach some photos of my Exhaust system.

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:51 pm
by vanzen
boxertwinjeff wrote:... I need their Email Address so I can attach some photos of my Exhaust system.
Just curious:
Why would you need to send photos ?

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:41 pm
by boxertwinjeff wrote:
boxertwinjeff wrote:... I need their Email Address so I can attach some photos of my Exhaust system.
Just curious:
Why would you need to send photos ?
Curious as to what my present System is classed as, Sports or other, and also idea of
cost at new, unless you could tell me?

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:50 pm
by Major Softie
Their contact page has phone numbers. I'm guessing that the people who answer that phone will be able to give you the best email address to get your question answered.

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:03 pm
by boxertwinjeff
yeh true, shot an email through anyway using their contact page afterall
requesting their address.

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:39 pm
by vanzen
boxertwinjeff wrote: wrote:
boxertwinjeff wrote:... I need their Email Address so I can attach some photos of my Exhaust system.
Just curious:
Why would you need to send photos ?
Curious as to what my present System is classed as, Sports or other, and also idea of
cost at new, unless you could tell me?
A primary advantage of the Staintune system
will be the ability to "tune" that system by virtue of adding or subtracting baffles ...
so ... in effect ... you have it all !
Having said that, Staintune made universal mufflers
as well as BMW air-head specific designed mufflers that were available through Luftseister.

Now I'm laughing ... I'd need a photo, a product #, or at least a description ...
in order to know what the hell you might got !

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:58 am
by boxertwinjeff
:lol: enough already!, I got the BM MS 38 SP Staintunes, they were on it when I bought it.
Staintune guy checked my pics out and said they now Manufacture mine with a more
rounded Cone end, at $AU1200 just for the Mufflers, headers another $AU600 Ouch!,
won't be lettin these guys go in a hurry!. I'll post a couple ov pics shortly showing comparison of
my older existing set & the new equals.

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:25 am
by boxertwinjeff

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:34 am
by vanzen
Now I understand – Yes, these are BMW specific and non-tunable.
Knowledge of their construction and design might be very useful.

From an old Staintune brochure :

Our mufflers use either triple by-pass reverse flow mechanical baffle system,
(note: used on repros called the "38 mm Replica Muffler", as yours)
or, for sport, a concentric-chamber linear baffle system.
(note: sport mufflers were called the "Conti" and had a conical, non-stock, shape) ...

...The reverse flow system gives the best ratio of sound reduction and performance,
and is the type of system used for all of our standard mufflers,
providing improved mid-range torque, dynamic response and reduced static back-pressure.