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Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:09 am
by Deleted User 62
I was looking for Team Incomplete bike photos and found this, another one of their efforts, if I am not mistaken. Why does this look so good to me?: Image Team Incomplete Boxer: Image Image

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:52 pm
by vanzen wrote:While in NY and talking to Gregor Halenda, he told me of an MC built to replicate the TI Boxer.
... been out of country for a few days, hence the delayed response.
And sorry to to have created a situation
where defensive posturing was felt to be necessary ...

But ... Just to set the record straight:
The above quote was in no way intended to reference the Jon Lars R80GS.
The reference was, as I stated, to an MC "built to replicate the TI Boxer".
To even the casual eye, there should be no mistaking the TI Boxer and the Jon Lars R80GS.

My apologies if the above quoted post introduced some confusion between these two very individual MCs.
Gregor Halenda / Scott Kolb, and Jon Lon Lars Sorenson / Dick Casey
have given us 2 very fine examples of hand built Type-247 BMWs.

or, failing that,
The merit of originality is not novelty; it is sincerity.
~ Thomas Carlyle

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:51 am
by Major Softie
Tim Shepherd wrote:I was looking for Team Incomplete bike photos and found this, another one of their efforts, if I am not mistaken.

Why does this look so good to me?:

Uhm, because it has the correct fork gaitors????

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:54 am
by Deleted User 62
Yeah, but the disc's on the wrong side!

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:42 am
by Chuey
Very butch looking bike, that enduro.


Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:31 am
by boxertwinjeff
The High pipe placement looks a worry, Ouch!

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:18 am
by Roy Gavin
No worries, no plug leads so it wont get too hot.

Re: Sports Mufflers

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:45 pm
by boxertwinjeff
These Hoskes I'm buying are 28.5cm, he also sells them in 48.5cm. I take it this
is refering to the length of the Mufflers yes? All text was written in German which
would'nt translate. What would the differences be in Sound and Performance
between these two Sizes?

Re: from the archives

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:18 pm
by mattcfish wrote:According to Dr. Curve,
What works for air-head RR,
Megaphone specs: 6º taper, 2" reverse at 45º, outlet 50% of inlet diameter.

Team Incomplete built an excellent 2-into-1 engineered specifically for the TI boxer engine
using specs provided by Craig Hanson (Hanson Racing Technology).
The design has been much copied ...
While in NY a few years back, I had the opportunity to measure the TI bike exhaust system:
Primary 29", Y 3.25", collector 18", Universal (& tunable) Supertrapp 17.5"
I'm getting very interested in exhaust tuning on a 2 into 1. Please forgive my ignorance, I need some the outlet at the muffler should be 50% smaller(or bigger) than the inlet? Y=3.25" diameter after collector? 18" of single pipe between collector and muffler?

Re: from the archives

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:52 pm
by vanzen wrote:According to Dr. Curve,
What works for air-head RR,
Megaphone specs: 6º taper, 2" reverse at 45º, outlet 50% of inlet diameter.
These will be megaphone specs for a road-racing airhead with an engine built as prescribed by Dr. Curve. wrote:Team Incomplete built an excellent 2-into-1 engineered specifically for the TI boxer engine
using specs provided by Craig Hanson (Hanson Racing Technology).
The design has been much copied ...
While in NY a few years back, I had the opportunity to measure the TI bike exhaust system:
Primary 29", Y 3.25", collector 18", Universal (& tunable) Supertrapp 17.5"
These will be the 2-into-1 specs provided by Craig Hanson and used by TI –
and specific to the TI Boxer engine.
mattcfish wrote: I'm getting very interested in exhaust tuning on a 2 into 1. Please forgive my ignorance, I need some the outlet at the muffler should be 50% smaller(or bigger) than the inlet? Y=3.25" diameter after collector? 18" of single pipe between collector and muffler?
As my previous posts have attempted to clarify –
any performance exhaust system will need to be engine and (desired) performance specific.
What does "this and that" as promoted in the advertising or as fitted to certain machine
will likely (to a greater or lesser extent) yield different results on your MC.

Again, if you were to replicate the TI system, put that system on your bike,
the system will NOT be right UNLESS your engine is built just as TI has built theirs,
and your performance use expectations are defined as TI has defined theirs.
And the TI Boxer is essentially a track bike.

Jon Lars posted a similar message – his exhaust system, though similar in appearance to the TI system
uses Hanson specs that were specified and are appropriate to that engine in the Jon Lars R80GS
to provide those performance / use expectations of Jon Lars.

Sorry, with or without the expertise of Craig Hanson to crunch the numbers,
this will be how the job must be done if the results are to work so well –
There will be no magic bullet or "one size fits all" formula
in spite of popular and pervasive advertising hype.

The details of any worthwhile performance exhaust system
will always begin with consideration of valve sizes, cam profile ...
the specific engine in question.
And then be tailored to provide a planned performance expectation of
torque peak RPM and desired torque delivery throughout the RPM range ...