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Re: 2015 Autumn Boxerworks in Oz

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:46 am
by ME 109
Guess I'm looking at the worst case, which would be fully loaded bike in traffic. Wait a minute, two up.
How many times can the starter take that I wonder?
Is that how you do it Dune? (I'm talking about the crutch, ok)

Re: 2015 Autumn Boxerworks in Oz

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:30 pm
by Bamboo812
Well, I've used that technique with a VW Bus, so.... (sure wouldn't want to have to do it going uphill) Also, did a lot of hanging back, to try and hit the traffic lights while they were green.

Re: 2015 Autumn Boxerworks in Oz

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:12 pm
by Mal S7
Bamboo812 wrote:Also, did a lot of hanging back, to try and hit the traffic lights while they were green.
That was how I got through W'bool. And halting in neutral when there was some slight hill. Just needed some movement to drop into first. Cant be good for an old gearbox tho

Re: 2015 Autumn Boxerworks in Oz

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 4:13 am
by SteveD
Mal S7 wrote:
Bamboo812 wrote:Also, did a lot of hanging back, to try and hit the traffic lights while they were green.
That was how I got through W'bool. And halting in neutral when there was some slight hill. Just needed some movement to drop into first. Cant be good for an old gearbox tho
You'll be right, you've got a spare! Oh wait.... ;)