Boertjie wrote:I don't have a fairing on my 77S. But agree with the brakes issue, very poor front brake indeed..
Do what I did.
Ditch those ancient rubber hoses for braided SS lines, swap up to a 14mm handle bar master cylinder, rebuild the calipers using HH pads and I guarantee that those brakes will work very well!. Not like modern brakes but a whole lot better!
The conversion kit from motobins is a bit pricey, will wait for a donor/scrapped bike (and that could take forever). My question is: will upgrading to ss braided lines make the brake better? Personally I get no difference in braking from my r60/6 drum brake and the R100S disc brakes. If I take a ride with my friend's RS it feel like I'm in braking heaven
KenHawk's right: if you do what he recommends you'll get the best braking performance possible using the 40mm ATE calipers fitted to your bike (though I have heard that a 13mm master cylinder gives even more leverage). A later, Brembo, front end would be a straight replacement and would give an even better brake, but it's not compatible with the four-rib spoked hub that you have. This is what I ended up doing on my R100S - plus I fitted a pair of Lesters.
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers might not be able to tell the difference." Samuel Clemens