Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

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Re: Stephen B question?

Post by Airbear »

pmonk wrote:when an Omega fails, what are the first symptoms?
Pmonk, I don't have experience with a dying Omega but my installation difficulties are worth relating. I fitted mine according to instructions and could not get it to work. I spoke with the very helpful supplier (Munich Motorcycles in Perth, Australia). They asked me to send the unit back. I received a call from them a couple of days later. They had fitted it to a bike there and it worked but only with the sensor adjusted much closer than the instructions indicated - as close as possible without touching, in fact. They returned the unit, I fitted it accordingly and it worked. The upshot is, maybe you could try moving the sensor closer and see if it is more reliable. Do get the points setup working as a backup, too. You can easily fit a switch to the circuit so that you can toggle between points and Omega.

I'm delighted with the Omega, and very impressed by the care shown by the supplier. They insisted on paying for all shipping and were very prompt and courteous.
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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by Ross »

Munich Motorcycle swould have to be the best online shop I have ever dealt with. Always willing to help out over the phone. Great fast and secure shipping in Australia. I have asked them to only ship to me via their courier Toll.

I have found with the Omega that the engine no longer pinks when under load. She revs smoother to past 5k.
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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by Roy Gavin »

PMONK - i had exactly the same symptoms and it was the frigging ignition switch, but like Step says my first check was on components which would be subject to heat stress - my black box is getting too hot!

When I reached the switch the problem wasn't hard to spot - the black plastic terminal block on the back of the switch is held tight to the metal front section by two bent tabs, and they just weren't doing the job anymore, and the back half was wobling around.

I tried giving the ears a belt with a pin punch , but it didnt seem to improve things much - a new switch cured the problem and got the tach warning lights and starter working better too.
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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by pmonk »

Thanks for the advice. Since I don't have a kill switch like stephen suggested so the ignition switch is definitely a place to investigate.
Had pretty major rebuild done on the motor and I havent looked at the reinstall of the omega since I got the bike back or if they bothered to set the points since I wasn't using them. Thanks
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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by moosehead »

Quick update re: Omega igniton system. FKN enterprises (NA distributor) sent me an e-mail today stating that the German company Groupe Briendel has sold their ignition business to a group called Zion. This conforms what Stephen B had reported earlier (on the other hand maybe they read Stephan's post somewhere??)

He didn't say whether they are pursing the Zion guys to see what's happening and status for ongoing business relationship. Hope they do. Maybe we'll see something soon.

My son finally contacted Groupe Briendel Oldtimer and was told they have some units still available of the remaining stock. He didn't get details re: what models etc.

So, I wait to see what FKN comes up with and I'm going ahead with order directly from Groupe Brindle to see what happens.

Stay tuned.
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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by KenHawk »

This situation makes me so unhappy...

I wasone of the first responders when I bought my Omega system from Stephen and have had itinstalled in two different engines (R90 and R100) with no problems what-so-ever. In fact, I love it!

So now it's gone, spares aren't available and theres no one to talk to about it. Great...! I've been reading about teething problems with The motorad Electric system over in ADV Rider, so is the Boyer the only viable and affordable alternative?

You know, I've been thinking about dual plugging my bike and if I do, as much as I'd hate doing it, I might go back to points.
I hate points.

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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by chasbmw »

You can always try the silent hektik system, also from Germany, a variety of different curves and the 'black box' is mounted outside of the engine. It is bloody expensive. I dealt with a guy called Milan, they sent it to me before I had paid for it!

The other alternative is to fit the basic Boyer and run it at 29/28 degrees. You don't need to go with points, I have not had a BMW with points since around '78. Charles
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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by Garnet »

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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by StephenB »

KenHawk wrote:This situation makes me so unhappy...

I was one of the first responders when I bought my Omega system from Stephen and have had itinstalled in two different engines (R90 and R100) with no problems what-so-ever. In fact, I love it!
Actually, Ken, you ARE the first entry on the group buy list from December 2005!
Some of the above is fact, some is fiction, some is my personal imagination and some is just simple truth. [me]
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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by Deleted User 62 »

chasbmw wrote:You can always try the silent hektik system, also from Germany, a variety of different curves and the 'black box' is mounted outside of the engine. It is bloody expensive. I dealt with a guy called Milan, they sent it to me before I had paid for it!

The other alternative is to fit the basic Boyer and run it at 29/28 degrees. You don't need to go with points, I have not had a BMW with points since around '78. Charles
Who's got the deals on Boyers?
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