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Hello Airbear, here's a more up-to-date pic of Gerty's new home, on which I have laboured long and hard while no doubt her splines rusted to buggery, and her oil levels plumbed the Stygian depths.
My little fig tree against the back wall has really got a grip, and will eventually overhang the roof, and add to the seclusion, and the number of spots for a quiet toke, and to ponder the age old question "Is it better to have loved a short girl, than never to have loved a tall ?".
What width blue tape Sunbeem?
Jeff, this is an
absolute minefield. There's no easy answer, or you wouldn't need a Fashion Guru, just a tape measure.
To begin with, we must be seasonal, and spontaneous -- so do what I do - take a deep breath, and go with your innermost feelings
on the day. Then accessorise, and consolidate with a touch of flair.
When you've spent all your money, you can go for a ride.
One day more -- one day less.