I rode one of these today.

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Steve in Golden
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Re: I rode one of these today.

Post by Steve in Golden »

dougie wrote:I disagree Steve. I don't recall being shocked by the price of any airhead part I have needed so far, although I go for aftermarket stuff or E-Bay when possible.
Whenever I buy something from the dealer for my hexhead I feel like I've been taken. The dealers are sure proud of their parts (and service). It should be noted that it isn't only BMW; my local Subaru dealer stiffs me for parts all the time too.

I should have been more specific, as there are better deals on ebay, etc, if you can find what you're looking for. For the R1200R aftermarket parts aren't all that common since it's such a new bike.
Major Softie
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Re: I rode one of these today.

Post by Major Softie »

Jeff in W.C. wrote:
Major Softie wrote: I found nothing to have failed on the bike - not even a flat tire. When I was keeping track of such things, no one had found a cause, only solutions (steering dampers).
To have something like that happen with no known cause would frustrate the hell out of me. One would expect there to be a specific cause(s). I know life just doesn't wrap itself up neatly all the time, but it would still be frustrating as hell.
Yes. Yes it was.
MS - out
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Zombie Master
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Re: I rode one of these today.

Post by Zombie Master »

Sibbo wrote:
Zombie Master wrote:From what I've seen Ducatis are a PIA to own. The romantic notions about Ducatis, are just that. There are better bikes available for far less money for sensible riders.
Mate,I don't own them, I just get to ride them occasionally . ;)
Oh you're single.
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