How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by SteveD »

boxertwinjeff wrote:.... and having sprayed WD-40 in the spark plug holes? Climate is quite humid.
Not wd40. It leaves corrosive marks once it evaporates...
Cheers, Steve
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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by hal »

Use engine oil

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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by boxertwinjeff »

Too late, I've already sprayed WD-40 down the holes, as well as pouring some Engine oil down too.
And I won't be home from Karratha till Mid to late January!! :shock: Whats the worst case scenario??
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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by SteveD »

boxertwinjeff wrote:Too late, I've already sprayed WD-40 down the holes, as well as pouring some Engine oil down too.
And I won't be home from Karratha till Mid to late January!! :shock: Whats the worst case scenario??
Hopefully the oil will do the job regardless of the wd40. In the past, it was my habit to use wd40 to wipe my golf clubs down after a game with the thought it'd keep them clean and dry. However, when I used them next time they were covered with small corrosive marks. I ended up wiping them down with a crc electrical spray. Much better.
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by ME 109 »

SteveD wrote: In the past, it was my habit to use wd40 to wipe my golf clubs down after a game with the thought it'd keep them clean and dry. However, when I used them next time they were covered with small corrosive marks. I ended up wiping them down with a crc electrical spray. Much better.[/color]
I never bought golf clubs.

Even more much better. :mrgreen:
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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by ME 109 »

boxertwinjeff wrote: And I won't be home from Karratha till Mid to late January!! :shock: Whats the worst case scenario??
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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by George Ryals »

WD40 is not corrosive.
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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by Duane Ausherman »

If one wants to be really safe, put the engine at TDC and then back off the valve adjusters on the open side to allow those valves to close up. Then fill with motor oil and replace the plugs. Don't turn the engine until you are ready to put it back in service.

I don't know of anyone who went that far, but it would be the best alternative short of removing the cylinders and using plain old grease.
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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by Garnet »

I have also heard of filling the engine to the brim with oil. Not on a BMW though.

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Re: How do I prepare Sofie for long rest???

Post by Major Softie »

Garnet wrote:I have also heard of filling the engine to the brim with oil. Not on a BMW though.
Yeah, that would be a lot easier on an inline motor with vertical cylinders.
MS - out
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