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Re: another hair brained idea

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:26 pm
by twist
Ultimately, though, we might choose to define our own compromise between system efficiency and service efficiency,
even as the specifics of that definition will also re-define the parameters of a necessary level of "personal involvement".
But then you will know that this trade-off / balance is always part and parcel of "hot-rodding", eh ?
I did this with my old Triumph TR6C when I rebuilt it. I recall I had the idea that I could improve the reliability and simplify, and it worked.I wish I knew now what I didn't know then.

Re: another hair brained idea

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:50 pm
by Motorhead
Ditto that Twist

Triumph parts are about 1/2 the cost of BMW parts

And you can build a 283 Lb 70 Hp Triumph

BUT like a Sportster about the same level of comfort

Re: another hair brained idea

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:05 pm
by StephenB
twist wrote: ... to install an S fairing using a modified RT main fairing bracket, so the S fairing will be mounted to the steering head, not the handle bars.
Always wondered whether anybody ever put the necessary steps and mods on paper for the RT spider?


Re:re-post of photo

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:06 pm
by Chuey
I'm not sure if this will be relevant but I tried to put this here the other day and discovered it didn't make it.


This is a shot of the underseat of my Cafe' Racer. You had mentioned putting wiring under the seat and this is just a reference.


Re: Re:re-post of photo

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:06 pm
by vanzen
Chuey wrote: This is a shot of the underseat of my Cafe' Racer. You had mentioned putting wiring under the seat and this is just a reference.
No problem with the reg / rec being under the seat with a minimum of cooling airflow ?
I am considering mounting mine under the gas tank and would appreciate your thoughts ...
( a very tidy arrangement, yours, by the way)
I had originally planned to put the R/R under the seat pan, but still very much in the air-flow,
then reconsidered the location as a matter of consolidating all of the electrics
(with the exception of tail-brake light and associated wiring)
to a place above & / or in front of the engine block.

Re: Re:re-post of photo

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:13 pm
by twist
Chuey wrote:
This is a shot of the underseat of my Cafe' Racer. You had mentioned putting wiring under the seat and this is just a reference.

thanks Chuey! I have something along those lines in mind and would like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind. BTW I'll be coming thru your area in Feb or Mar on a trip to San Diego fro Death Valley. Maybe we can meet up for refreshment?

Re: Re:re-post of photo

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:25 pm
by Garnet wrote:
Chuey wrote: This is a shot of the underseat of my Cafe' Racer. You had mentioned putting wiring under the seat and this is just a reference.
No problem with the reg / rec being under the seat with a minimum of cooling airflow ?
I am considering mounting mine under the gas tank and would appreciate your thoughts ...
( a very tidy arrangement, yours, by the way)
I had originally planned to put the R/R under the seat pan, but still very much in the air-flow,
then reconsidered the location as a matter of consolidating all of the electrics
(with the exception of tail-brake light and associated wiring)
to a place above & / or in front of the engine block.

Although this is a /2 frame, it is under the seat just in front of the battery, behind the engine.


It never gets warmer than body temp.


Re: another hair brained idea

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:17 am
by kutter
Photo showing the location
of my Reg/Rec.
About the only place I could find that
had airflow, rubber mounting and close to the battery.


Re: another hair brained idea

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:34 am
by Chuey
Vanzen, I don't think that unit gets very hot. It has been a very nice part that has given no trouble at all. It may be cooler under the seat than I figure. Thing is, I thought the underseat exhaust would get hot and need venting and/or insulation but it doesn't even get very hot to the touch on the body work. I will probably still cut some vents in the behind the seat hump but they will be a styling thing if I do it. I did get some insulating stuff for the wires that run very close to the mufflers. Some of it came from Watson's Street Works. Some other stuff I got is better but it was a sample from a friend who was repping it.


frame mount S / mod RS bracket

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:15 pm
by vanzen
A well used and battle scarred modified RS bracket for frame mounting an S fairing:
SB 3.jpg
RS bracket required a bit of notching to clear clips / mc,
upper bracket is seen attached at top of H-light bucket:
SB 1.jpg
Detail of lower mounting "post" & carriage pin:
SB 2.jpg
In it's youth, holding a carbon fiber S-fairing w/ flush headlight, modified Duc 900 windscreen:
