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Re: R100S top end

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:56 am
by ME 109
'Ken brilliant Mal!

woon't it be patents bending?

Re: R100S top end

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:40 am
by Mal S7
ME 109 wrote:'Ken brilliant Mal!?
Filled with brilliance Jeff but can't get me Bings sorted. It runs like a train over 100km/hr but, despite an afternoon of playing with floats and idle jets and cables and such, its being two unhappy dogs around town.

As an aside I must say that 40mm Bings are a mighty homely thing,
they make the 32mm Bings seem stylish.
Bloated and dorky; they remind me of old washing machines with thick enamel ... and mangles

Re: R100S top end

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:23 am
by ME 109
Lots of things to check Mal, is it one carb or both?
What jets, missing parts, air leaks, anything drilled out..............

My 40mm's have idled ok with fuel pissing all over my boot from stuck float needles.....

Have yer checked yer back passage?

Re: R100S top end

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:28 pm
by Mal S7
Idles no problem Jeff
Its just off idle. Real lumpy. One cylinder or t'other wants a free ride
and I can't seem to get it by adjusting cables or etc.
It smooths out as the revs climb.
Haven't checked for airleaks yet, that might be it.
Vacuum take-off in one carb has the screw head snapped off so I can't try out my el-cheapo gauges.

Forums are great though eh. I've found lots of posts here and at ADV,
who would think so much could be written about bloody bings.

I will order a kit from Motobins and go right through them, one day.
It will get me to Captains flat. That the important thing!
and then you fellas can fix 'em for me, while I get the drinks. 8-)

Re: R100S top end

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:54 pm
by ME 109
Where's GSPD! He'd tell yer straight away from those symptoms.

It does sound like diaphragms, But! it wouldn't pull top end without breaking down if it was diaphragms.

Have they both got the same needle jets and main jets.........I'd blow those passages out!

If it was one carb...........fair enough. If it's two carbs......I might start looking at other things electrical.....


Re: R100S top end

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:57 pm
by SteveD
G'mornin' Mal.
Have you cleaned out the tiny holes that are under the butterfly? The black dots...but not the left one as the vacuum take off screw is busted anyhow. There is another behind the butterfly.


Re: R100S top end

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:50 pm
by Mal S7
SteveD wrote:G'mornin' Mal.
Have you cleaned out the tiny holes that are under the butterfly? The black dots...but not the left one as the vacuum take off screw is busted anyhow. There is another behind the butterfly.
Haven't checked them Steve thanks for the tip. Hope you're happy holidaying.

Re: R100S top end

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:50 am
by Dan in IL
You can get your carbs almost perfectly in synch by doing this.....

1) Back out the idle speed screws until the throttle plates are completely closed. (This puts both carbs in exacly the same postion)

2) Carefully turn each throttle cable adujuster just to the point where there is no slack in the throttle cable, and lock them down. (Now both throttle cables are in exactly the same position).

3) Put a feeler gauge between the idle speed screw and it's striker then turn the screw until it just makes contact with the feeler gauge, then turn the screw in 3/4 of a turn. This sets your idle and will also put a small amount of slack back in the throttle cable.

Re: R100S top end

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:08 am
by Mal S7
First commute with the "new" top end and I have saved my first litre! 44mpg(UK), a 7% improvement, and that's with it running like a chaff cutter much below 3000rpm.

On the down side it blows smoke like a bastard when left on its side stand all day. Yeah yeah they all do that but mine hasn't been doing that for the last 50 thousand kms. I wonder what the difference is down to .....

Re: R100S top end

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:59 am
by dougie
Mal S7 wrote:On the down side it blows smoke like a bastard when left on its side stand all day. Yeah yeah they all do that but mine hasn't been doing that for the last 50 thousand kms. I wonder what the difference is down to .....
I was told to put the ring gaps at 10 and 2 o'clock, not at 6 o'clock.
I did - but who knows how much they move or if it makes any difference.