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Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:09 am
by Duane Ausherman
Rob, it may be damaged, but I think that you must confirm it before assuming that it is trash.

In my shop, I worked on an old personal friend's bike for free. I was interrupted many times by customers in the front. I forgot to put oil in the transmission. He rode it casually around his area of Big Sur and in two months it locked up. I pulled the drain plug and metallic dust fell out. We had more than a dozen rebuild transmission on the shelf, so it was a quick job of swapping it out and he was back on the road. However, it took him a whole day to resolve it.

We just had to open it up to take a look. Most of the gears were ground to dust. Few parts were useable.

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:53 am
by Chuey
"Let's blame Duane today!"

Is this something new? I kind of thought it was forum policy; long established; ongoing. Was I just assuming?


Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:02 pm
by Deleted User 287
Duane Ausherman wrote:Rob, it may be damaged, but I think that you must confirm it before assuming that it is trash.
Since I don't have a rear flange tool, and I know of no one that has one, I will probably dispose of it.
Or, I may just give it to Galen Perry, our local breaker, as he may have the tool to disassemble it. Then he will have a nice(?) cover to sell.
I plan to give Galen all of my parts that are left over when I am finished selling off what I can of the R65.

And Jeff, no offence taken. :)

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:17 pm
by dwire
I should have just about any tool one would need for early bikes. I say "should now" is that they are all packed up neatly and it will likely be the end of the year before they are unpacked and available for use or I'd offer to help break it down - I mean you're only a state away Rob. As Duane always says, spares are golden. (Darn it, now I am praising the man instead of blaming him!)