Idle speed - clutch

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Re: Idle speed - clutch

Post by jjwithers »

I only have 300 miles on the bike. I already re-torqued the heads and such after my break in but i checked everything out again. The cylinder nuts were really tight so i backed them off a wee bit and re-torqued them.
I also found the right side exhaust valve had tightened up.
Then took it for a ride... no fix.
I adjusted the idle a wee bit higher.
Then I readjusted the clutch. I think I ended up right back to where I started... but perhaps not as tight with the adjuster screw on the tranny arm.
I took it for a 50mile ride today but it wasn't the typical city riding when i have to get from 4th to neutral. As i hold the clutch in and down shift to neutral in the city, i would typically get close to stalling or stall.
Today i noticed a slight dip in RPMs but nothing that made me afraid of stalling. I think this is all just break in stuff... and fine tuning....
'77 R100S -
'73 /5 Toaster Cafe bike
'67 Bridgestone 175 Hurricane Scrambler
'66 R60/2
'72 BMW 2002
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