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Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:34 pm
by Major Softie
I see Vegemite more like Lutfisk. My sister was in Sweden for the holidays and our cousins told her "Oh, that means you get to be here for the lutfisk!" She didn't know what that was, so they described it to her. She was somewhat horrified, and asked "so you all like lutfisk???", and they said "oh no, no one likes it, but it's a tradition!"
Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:19 pm
by Jean
Looks like she had some sort of accident while changing the oil on a Diesel car....
Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:57 am
by dougie
Airbear wrote: you will be required to prove that you not only
like Vegemite, but that you know how to use it effectively.
Here's a clue ...

I can do that!

Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:25 am
by ME 109
I like Vegemite. Or vaginamite, as we called it when we were kids. Ah yes, the old vaginamite and penis butter sandwiches.
Not that we had them together mind you. Strictly one or the other as kids.
When we were older we got our sandwiches together tho'
Vegemite doesn't get troweled on. It gets 'placed' on bread or toast.Or rolls.
Toasted sour dough, butter and vegemite, coffee from the espresso machine. That's the one.
Vegemite. That great Aussie icon. You know the one, owned by Kraft.
Steve, you better come over and stay at my place. We can drink a heap of beer and go and have a punch on with the roos.
We'll start with the little ones for a warm up, and then we'll take on a heap of 'em at once.
My ol' mate died a couple of months ago. He didn't look unwell. I found him one morning close to a fence that he must have jumped over. I'm thinking some of his plumbing might have let go when he jumped over.
Here's an up and coming youngin'
I took this photo from my kitchen window.
Here some boxing skippy's iffen yer missed them last time.
Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:28 am
by dougie
As I understand it - it's not the boxing that gets you, it's the hind legs.

Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:19 am
by Deleted User 62
There's an ad on TV for the Australian tourism industry that shows a little girl petting a younger looking kangaroo. Are they really that tame or was it more likely someones pet at some time?
Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:59 pm
by ME 109
dougie wrote:As I understand it - it's not the boxing that gets you, it's the hind legs.

Does a roo have front legs, or arms? Never thought of it really. Anyway, check out those claws. They can cause serious damage, quickly. Deep scratching but not necessarily cutting.
The hind legs can also cause serious injury, although not many disembowellings are reported.
Roos can attack 'unprovoked' if they are frightened. Like any wild animal.
One usually needs to blunder right up to them to find themselves being attacked. I haven't heard of roos chasing people as such, but then I don't know either.
Fortunately, we haven't had any altercations with the ones at my home.
Lots of people around Australia have had pet roos, usually bought up from babies to be very tame.
But they can become a problem when they grow to full size, and still maintain very close contact with people.
Many open range wildlife parks will have smaller roos that are very easy to pet.
I can get to within twenty feet of the roos here sometimes. More often without realising it.
This will make you guys laugh.
Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:11 pm
by Deleted User 287
Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:34 pm
by Airbear
justoneoftheguys wrote:
That was good!
Ah, Americans. Aren't they cute.
Er, I mean the ones doing the video. Not you, Rob.
Re: Now I Dood It
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:31 am
by dougie