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Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:23 pm
by Chuey
My sympathies with the electrical problems.

I'd like to point out that it took me a long time to get to this point but I am assured that we men are all to ready to jump to problem solving when sometimes (how do we tell?) all that is needed, or more accurately, wanted, is for a sympathetic comment to be made. I'll wait until after the Bahama trip to judge my efforts in this direction.

As for the "door nails", for decades I didn't think about that phrase. When I finally did think about it, I ended up wondering if there was a relationship between what we now call a "dead bolt" and what may have been called, long time ago, a "door nail"? I have no evidence that a dead bolt would have been called a door nail. Nonetheless, I still think there may be a link along that line.

See. Still no electrical help from me. I'll leave it to you to decide if it is because (a) I have advanced in the art of communication to the degree that I see beyond the initial complaint; or (b) I am unqualified and unable to comment on almost any problem involving electricity.


Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:54 pm
by Airbear
Well, since the matter of the life cycle of the doornail is even getting to Chuey, I felt the need to do some research. Turns out that the whole conundrum is the responsibility of a bloke named Will Shakespeare, who used to contribute to ADV, I think. One of his less popular threads has the title Henry VI, and here we read -

CADE: Brave thee! ay, by the best blood that ever was
broached, and beard thee too. Look on me well: I
have eat no meat these five days; yet, come thou and
thy five men, and if I do not leave you all as dead
as a doornail, I pray God I may never eat grass more.

It seems that Cade was a bit of a bruiser, a good man to have at your side in a bar-room brawl. Here he is, hungry but willing to take on these 6 blokes and leave them "all as dead as a doornail". Why he would want to eat grass rather than the other option is beyond me. Possibly a respiratory problem.

Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:08 am
by Deleted User 72
"R80ST Electrical Problem--please help"

That's what it says on that other page. So we all jump in and help or something, and she splits for the Bahamas. Later. See ya.

Uh huh.

Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:40 am
by Airbear
Native /5 wrote:"R80ST Electrical Problem--please help"

That's what it says on that other page. So we all jump in and help or something, and she splits for the Bahamas. Later. See ya.

Uh huh.
Well now Native, there's nothing to stop us continuing to help in the prescribed Boxerworks manner, is there?

Given my belief in the interconnectedness of all things, I am now confident that a comprehensive understanding of the history of the doornail and its influence on English Literature will ultimately lead to the solution to this R80ST Electrical Problem.

Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:52 am
by SteveD
Airbear wrote: Given my belief in the interconnectedness of all things, I am now confident that a comprehensive understanding of the history of the doornail and its influence on English Literature will ultimately lead to the solution to this R80ST Electrical Problem.
Is that sorta like parts interchangeability Charlie?

Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:40 am
by Deleted User 72
Airbear wrote:
Native /5 wrote:"R80ST Electrical Problem--please help"

That's what it says on that other page. So we all jump in and help or something, and she splits for the Bahamas. Later. See ya.

Uh huh.
Well now Native, there's nothing to stop us continuing to help in the prescribed Boxerworks manner, is there?

Given my belief in the interconnectedness of all things, I am now confident that a comprehensive understanding of the history of the doornail and its influence on English Literature will ultimately lead to the solution to this R80ST Electrical Problem.
Well, you could stake the battery leads to the battery post with those door nails the retired carpenter showed me. That would eliminate one trouble spot. Interconnectedness, I call it.

P.S. Those nails look suspiciously similar to the gang that attacked my rear tire several years ago. Lying in wait at several locations between here and Biketoberfest. Bastids. They should all die a horrible death! Or at least get bent!

Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:53 am
by jagarra
Having worked in the electronic repair industry for 40 years my first recommendation is to always go back to the last things done to see what you screwed up. Or they in this case. I would take the cowl off to see if any damage was done to the wiring when it was removed. I have also seen corrosion near a connector hidden by the insulation, it sort of creeps up the wire and kills continuity. Use the sharp end of your test lead to check the feed wire, push it through the insulation to get a reading. If it's dead at the connector is it dead at some point along the wire too. Replace fuses, I have seen fuses read good on ohms and voltage, but would not pass enough current to make a circuit operate.

Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:00 pm
by chasbmw
As in most BMWs it is the big red wire that cause most of the problems, I would follow Jeans advice, but I dont know STs.

Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:11 pm
by Jean
I LUV ya Chas...Shakespear will surely have the answer. Red wire is the problem many times, but here in the US, I find the BROWN wire is the real secret agent as too many people are hunting grounds on the GREEN wires!!

I think Katie is using the procedure that I followed when I had trouble bleeding the bleedin'rear brake. I wedged the pedal down, went skiing for 10 days and when I got home, it was fixed.
Since this is an electrical issue, she is going away for 2 weeks to be sure it has time to fix itself.
In the meantime, we can run this thread all over the place. Wonder if someone "we know" is in the vicinity and could take a look at it?

Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:05 am
by Airbear
Jean wrote: I think Katie is using the procedure that I followed when I had trouble bleeding the bleedin'rear brake. I wedged the pedal down, went skiing for 10 days and when I got home, it was fixed.
Since this is an electrical issue, she is going away for 2 weeks to be sure it has time to fix itself.
In the meantime, we can run this thread all over the place.
Ah, Self Repair.
Jean, that is a whole 'nother field of interest, and I'm very glad you reminded me of its possibilities. Ferinstance, my leaking roof self repairs every summer without me having to even think about climbing up there to investigate the cause.

In your case, with bleedin' the bleedin' brake, I suspect that if we were to map the trajectory of your good self on your favourite ski lift during your 10 day skiing holiday we would find that it matched (in some dimension or other) the exact path of the bubbles that were happily rising in your bike's brake line while you were away.

So (bear with me, now), perhaps it would be useful to map Katie's route to the Bahamas via Atlanta, imagining the starting point as Battery Positive and drawing the line in Red (of course), and then drew her return journey back to the bike's location in a tasteful Brown (if that is possible), we could match that up with the schematic and find the answer.

Of course, if Katie were to lose her luggage or phone charger or have a dispute with a customs official or meet an interesting stranger during her two weeks away, these would provide very useful clues to the actual offending wire, connection or horribly expensive component.

Now, how to involve the humble doornail, the Bard Himself, and all the helpful suggestions offered by inmates of The Asylum ...