Don't shoot me...

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Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by dougie »

Ken in Oklahoma wrote:
dougie wrote:SOLD.
I'm thinking, that with the proceeds in hand. a nice light nimble R75/5 might be just what you need. :twisted:
Like this?
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
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Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by moosehead »

Good on you dougie....nothing like money in the bank!

Have a nice 77 R100S up for sale....he he he... :D

Seriously, I haven't had a nibble to speak of..its an all original 48,000 kms (all documented) 2 owner model. I've redone some of the main mechanical things (steering head bearing, tune up, carb rebuilds, fluid changes, new windscreen, new mirrors, new rubber etc)... I'm at $4500....think too high maybe?

On Kijiji in TO but thnking maybe try craigslist too...maybe
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Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by dougie »

moosehead wrote:Good on you dougie....nothing like money in the bank!

Have a nice 77 R100S up for sale....he he he... :D

Seriously, I haven't had a nibble to speak of..its an all original 48,000 kms (all documented) 2 owner model. I've redone some of the main mechanical things (steering head bearing, tune up, carb rebuilds, fluid changes, new windscreen, new mirrors, new rubber etc)... I'm at $4500....think too high maybe?

On Kijiji in TO but thnking maybe try craigslist too...maybe
That looks nice.
Having gotten to know a little about airhead owners (old and cheap :lol: ), I thought some of them were priced high.
I listed mine at $3750 and I got $3750 no problem. Although it took a week to sort out his insurance etc., the first person to see it bought it.
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
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Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by moosehead »

dougie....thanks for the reply...

Yeah, I've sold several airheads and the audience can be "cheaply fickle" some times. On the other hand, I've been fortunate in getting a good buck for the ones I do sell from time to time. They're always in pristine "preservation" condition, safety certified and ready to go..

Might rethink pricing on this one as I'd like to get on with selling it asap. Got other things to do....send me some of your "cheap' airhead lovers and we'll talk... :D
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Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by dougie »

moosehead wrote:dougie....thanks for the reply...

Yeah, I've sold several airheads and the audience can be "cheaply fickle" some times. On the other hand, I've been fortunate in getting a good buck for the ones I do sell from time to time. They're always in pristine "preservation" condition, safety certified and ready to go..

Might rethink pricing on this one as I'd like to get on with selling it asap. Got other things to do....send me some of your "cheap' airhead lovers and we'll talk... :D
As soon as the ownership is transferred (perhaps tomorrow) I am going to notify 2 or 3 people who inquired about my RS.
I will suggest they check into yours. I think they were looking for an RS, but you never know.
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
The rest of it I just wasted.
Mal S7
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Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by Mal S7 »

moosehead wrote: Have a nice R100S...its an all original 48,000 kms (all documented) 2 owner model.. I'm at $4500....think too high maybe? org
Bring at round to my house and its Sold! You could almost double your money for that over here. No damn low km bikes left in this country.
Major Softie
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Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by Major Softie »

Mal S7 wrote:Bring at round to my house and its Sold! You could almost double your money for that over here. No damn low km bikes left in this country.
Well, you and Canadia are the only ones who suffer from Everywhere-Is-300-Miles-Away-From-Everywhere-Else disease worse than we do. ;)
MS - out
Deleted User 287

Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Major Softie wrote:
Mal S7 wrote:Bring at round to my house and its Sold! You could almost double your money for that over here. No damn low km bikes left in this country.
Well, you and Canadia are the only ones who suffer from Everywhere-Is-300-Miles-Away-From-Everywhere-Else disease worse than we do. ;)
I am 300 miles away from everything outside my 300 mile radius.
I'll bet most of us are. Even in Liechtenstein (or the Vatican City, if you want to take it that far).
Deleted User 62

Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by Deleted User 62 »

justoneoftheguys wrote:
Major Softie wrote:
Mal S7 wrote:Bring at round to my house and its Sold! You could almost double your money for that over here. No damn low km bikes left in this country.
Well, you and Canadia are the only ones who suffer from Everywhere-Is-300-Miles-Away-From-Everywhere-Else disease worse than we do. ;)
I am 300 miles away from everything outside my 300 mile radius.
I'll bet most of us are. Even in Rhode Island.
It's all fun and games until you live on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean... :(
Deleted User 287

Re: Don't shoot me...

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Tim Shepherd wrote:
justoneoftheguys wrote:
Major Softie wrote: Well, you and Canadia are the only ones who suffer from Everywhere-Is-300-Miles-Away-From-Everywhere-Else disease worse than we do. ;)
I am 300 miles away from everything outside my 300 mile radius.
I'll bet most of us are. Even in Rhode Island.
It's all fun and games until you live on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean... :(
At least you picked the biggest one! And most likely the most sparsely populated per square mile, excepting any of the small ones that have no one, if there is such a thing. I'm at home - I don't have time for my usual research like I can do at work! ;)
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