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Re: Shinko tires and angled valve stems

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:14 pm
by gocytocis
Archie wrote:...Has anyone had any experience with Shinko motorcycle tires?...I like the tread pattern...
I assume you are referring to the 712 model (?). I don't have any experience with the 712 per se, but I have run both the Shinko 700 & 705 dual-sport tires on a little KLX250 with very positive results. I got excellent wear & traction in consideration of the prices I paid for them. I wouldn't hesitate to install Shinkos again on that bike if I still owned it.

Having said that, I'm not sure I'd put them on a heavier & faster streetbike where the stakes are a lot higher if there's a blowout, tread separation, or loss of traction. You don't have to Google too long to find some documented cases of Shinko tire failures.

If you don't do high-speed, long-distance touring on your Airhead however, I'm sure the Shinkos would be just fine.

Re: Shinko tires and angled valve stems

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:38 pm
by Deleted User 62
Jean wrote:I heard you the first time, dwerbil...only neither of the closest WM's got them here.
So back to the internet, I guess.
Thanks for posting the link.
MaxBMW sells them under Equipment/Parts "repair kit-tyre" in the fiche: ... d=04302013 Image ...only $15.25 each! :shock: :o :(

Re: Shinko tires and angled valve stems

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:14 pm
by Jean
I like the Wally-world price a lot better.
OH speaking of Shinko tires, (we WERE, weren't we?) this weekend a fellow had a dual-sport one, sorry I didn't get the model name, and during the 200+ mile ride with about 1/2 dirt, a hunk of tread-block undid itself. I do recall it was a fat tire: a 130 low profile.
Anyhow, one of the other folks who lived nearby had some tires in his garage that had some good tread (a good half of total) on them so it got changed and he is safely at home by now. He left the damaged tire. I think he didn't want another.
Anyone else had this sort of trouble?
Before he got to the rally, he'd ridden up in ONE day from central Florida to Morganton, NC, so he'd put a lot of slab miles, maybe 600+ at probably 70mph, on it before he went mudding the next day.
Just thought to pass this on.

Re: Shinko tires and angled valve stems

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:06 am
by BobW
Ran one on the wife's F650 with hack. It lasted a long time, but it had weird wear pattern on the knobs. The leading edge was wearing while the trailing edge did not. I was told it was due to the hack, but don't see how. Finally changed it when changing a rear tire.
At low speed on pavement, it did have traction problems.
That was a Shinko not an angled valve stem.

Re: Shinko tires and angled valve stems

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:43 pm
by Major Softie
BobW wrote:Ran one on the wife's F650 with hack. It lasted a long time, but it had weird wear pattern on the knobs. The leading edge was wearing while the trailing edge did not.
That seems like a perfectly normal wear pattern, at least on the rear. The torque of driving the chair making the knobs flex and the leading edge thus wearing much more than the trailing.