My bike on youtube.

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Deleted User 287

Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Tim Shepherd wrote: while I do use the latest Firefox, it says there are things in it that can interfere with an upload.
Do you keep a I.E. browser on your PC?
I keep one around for weird stuff like this.
ME 109
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Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by ME 109 »

Tim, could you try to upload on someone else's puter? It may just be your puter?
Lord of the Bings
Deleted User 287

Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by Deleted User 287 »

ME 109 wrote:Tim, could you try to upload on someone else's puter? It may just be your puter?
Yeah Tim - do you have a 4 Gig thumb drive yet? The are the cat's pajamas!
Deleted User 62

Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by Deleted User 62 »

So much to learn! What is an "IE browser"? I tried emailing these movies to friends with regular computers, but the files were "too big". I've heard of the thumb drive, but not sure if it will work with my HP Notebook laptop. I was running Windows 7, but switched to the latest Firefox on the recommendation of a few people here. Curious, if I'm running Firefox, should I delete all the Windows and/or Microsoft programs, does this free up space or speed things up?
ME 109
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Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by ME 109 »

Yeah Tim, too big for an email.
You tube should have no trouble uploading a 2mb vid.
I have windows XP and it works fine for uploading.
My last vid on this thread took about 10 minutes to upload to you tube.
Lord of the Bings
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Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by Indian »

ME 109 wrote:
Native /5 wrote:Your idle sounds a litle rough, Jeff. Did you watch Indian's video? That's what it should sound like. 8-)
How 'bout this then.
This sounds nice. I dont know how a rael boxer should sound like but I just love the sound of my boxer.
Click for my page
Deleted User 287

Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Tim Shepherd wrote:So much to learn! What is an "IE browser"? I tried emailing these movies to friends with regular computers, but the files were "too big". I've heard of the thumb drive, but not sure if it will work with my HP Notebook laptop. I was running Windows 7, but switched to the latest Firefox on the recommendation of a few people here. Curious, if I'm running Firefox, should I delete all the Windows and/or Microsoft programs, does this free up space or speed things up?
IE Browser is the Microsoft "equivalent" of Firefox. Simply a gateway to the internet. Google now has their own, called "Chrome".

Windows 7 is the latest operating system (what makes your computer work) offered by Microsoft.
Their previous blunder version was Windows Vista. Before that was Windows XP, which I use. Before that the mainstay for PCs (not Macintosh Apple) was Windows 95, which was also a good stable OS. There have been others by Windows, some good, some not so good. But if you are interested, here is a Windows OS timeline.

No, do not delete any Windows or MS programs. You could get yourself in big trouble real fast!
As long as the program (like Internet Explorer) is not active, it should not be using any of your laptop's resources.
You would know if it was active, because you would have to turn it on, yourself (unless it was stuck in your autostart program, which most likely it is not).
Task Manager is your friend, and you should get to know it. It will show you what is happening on your laptop. ... sk-Manager
I found that link by Googling "Windows 7 Task Manager". I went that route because I've never worked with "7", and don't really know much about the differences between that and XP.

Yes, the thumbdrive will work fine on your laptop. It is simply a solid-state storage device that plugs into one of the USB ports on your laptop. When you plug one in, the computer usually senses it automatically and a window pops up offering you a selection of options. My favorite in cases like this is "Open folder to view files using Windows Explorer". Then open the folder with your videos in it, and you can click on the video file you want on the thumbdrive, and simply drag it to the open folder on the thumbdrive. You will see a small pop-up window showing the file being copied.

And you thought working on motorcycles was fun! :lol:
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Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by dwire »

Tim Shepherd wrote:I've been trying to upload some high definition ride videos to YouTube the last few days, but no luck. They always estimate a 6-7 hour upload, and the furthest I've gotten is 79% before it seems to stop uploading. Is this a YouTube specific thing, or are there better easier faster ways to upload a video? Could it be my phone companies connection speed? Note: I tried their advanced upload with Java, but that didn't seem to improve things.
Hey Tim,

What file format are you trying to upload to YouTube? That very well could be the issue. If it is not .flv or H.264, it is most probable that YouTube's servers must use ffmpeg, or another (Linux based) server side solution to encode your video for the players both the site uses and what you see embedded here in this thread. I have no idea what YouTube's actual limit is if it must be encoded, but I'd bet 2GB or whatever someone posted is either "always" beyond what they'll do, or they are likely to simply have the server time-out (your upload fails) on peak hours when they cannot process it.

The other likely culprit I belive was touched upon here; especially if you're running XP; browser and several settings can end up timing out on you - again, failed upload. Lastly, with that large of an upload, ANY interuption via your ISP will stop you in your tracks as YouTube will not resume an upload that I am aware of and if they do, they most likely will not resume anything that needs processed (encoded or converted) and/or is super large.

PM me if you're still having issues; I can get you set up if YouTube and any other hosts you're trying are still giving you troubles, if I cannot "solve it" - you can upload it to one of my servers' domains via ftp and I'll host it for you.

1971 R75/5 (SWB)
If you're going to hire MACHETE to kill the bad guy, you better make damn sure the bad guy isn't YOU!
Deleted User 62

Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by Deleted User 62 »

I've found that the Drift Hd170 uses H.264 and I am using YouTubes "advanced" upload which is supposed to handle large files and does so by doing it in chunks, so if the upload is interrupted it will save and resume later. I did these videos at the highest resolution (1070p) and most frames per second (30), which is not recommended for fast uploads. Next time it will be 720p and 25fps, it's all part of my learning curve. Two hours and I'm at 50% on my smallest file. Wish me luck!
Deleted User 287

Re: My bike on youtube.

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Tim Shepherd wrote:Two hours and I'm at 50% on my smallest file.
It also helps when uploading to dedicate your computer to that task, IOW, don't be browsing around looking at other stuff, including reading posts on Boxerworks.

You can test your internet speed at places like this:
I just did mine and I got 1.93 Mbps for downloading (copying from the internet to my computer) and 0.43 Mbps for uploading. Quite a difference.

This site gave me 2.57 / 0.43.
If you click on one of the cities shown on the map, it will run the test from there.

This site also lets you select the location to connect with.
It gave me 2.60 / 0.43 connecting with Chicago.

As you can easily see, the upload speeds are consistent, and the download speeds don't really vary all that much.
The biggest factor in these speeds is how much you are willing to pay your ISP.

I just repeated the test from the first link, and got 1.87 / 0.28! WTF?

Good luck, indeed!
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