ME 109 wrote:Yeah I recall being informed as to using a deep sump for the benefits of lower crank case pressure.
I've just replaced barrel base o ring and head gasket on the left side, she was blowin' out the base at sustained high revs. All over my boot.
I think Roy was talking in terms of increased oil capacity to aid cooling?
I've often thought of finding a 'louvered' lower centre fairing piece instead of my '81 solid piece. It would possibly provide as much cooling as an oil cooler?
I will believe that the factory changed the fairing piece design to provide air-flow to aid in cooling ...
but then, in spite of the louvers, they did not do away with the oil-cooler, eh ?
Perhaps the louvers were to keep diode boards from frying ?
Bearing in mind that lower octane fuel available at the pumps
and a leaner burn required to meet EPA regs
both affect engine temps ...
later models (RS & RT) with louvers and the factory large sump –
still had an oil-cooler.
I suppose that the extra quart of oil would aid cooling – if only marginally.
However, the best advantage of the extra quart might be
the ability to disperse a given quantity of contaminants throughout a larger volume of oil.