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Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:36 am
by dougie
ME 109 wrote:Yeah I recall being informed as to using a deep sump for the benefits of lower crank case pressure.
I've just replaced barrel base o ring and head gasket on the left side, she was blowin' out the base at sustained high revs. All over my boot.
I think Roy was talking in terms of increased oil capacity to aid cooling?
I've often thought of finding a 'louvered' lower centre fairing piece instead of my '81 solid piece. It would possibly provide as much cooling as an oil cooler?
Your boots will be waterproof at least.
Louvered lower centre fairing piece. Holesaw? Hacksaw? E-Bay?

Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:49 am
by ME 109
dougie wrote: Holesaw? Hacksaw? E-Bay?
Holesaw, Oooh! Hacksaw OOOooh! Doest thy reputation precede thee that much? :mrgreen:

ebay sounds better, or some other contacts might be worth a try.

Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:57 am
by dougie
ME 109 wrote:
dougie wrote: Holesaw? Hacksaw? E-Bay?
Holesaw, Oooh! Hacksaw OOOooh! Doest thy reputation precede thee that much? :mrgreen:
ebay sounds better, or some other contacts might be worth a try.
I think artful use of various sizes of holesaws could look alright, and work. (Think large bulletholes. :idea: )
Price of that piece new is $75 USD new, so used should be cheap.

Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:32 am
by moosehead
When I redid fairing paint few years ago on the 82RS, I "drilled out" lower cover ...with a hole saw....just to open up better venting as was pretty skimpy at the time and I had seen a friend's RS done the same way so what the heck. I think it does allow more airflow for the electrics under the front cover..

Had a "e-bay" centre lower piece that only had smaller side louver vents so I added holes to it before paint job.

Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:48 am
by moosehead
Roy Gavin wrote:The 77 bikes had a shallow sump , so a second hand deep sump is a cheap improvement.
Anton Larbidgers site has all the details on sumps and dipsticks..

Mac deep sumps are still around too - Niche Marketing? sells them on Ebay for around $80-.

My G/S has a sump spacer which seems to work quite well, but I dont like the look of them and they are quite expensive- you may as well go the bit more and get a cooler.

Oil doesn't flow like water. as the viscosity changes a lot more with temperature, so a vertical oil cooler like BMW uses is pretty much self regulating without a thermostat - there is a good temperature grades photograph around somewhere which shows just why.
So Roy, maybe going with deeper sump in lieu of oil cooler might be way to go on a 77RS (with no oil cooler) as cheap insurance??

In my neck of the woods (Canada) we can get hotter days (30-35C) for short bursts here and there but mainly 25-28C throughout the summer monts (July- Aug). Tell you the truth I don't ride the RS with its full fairings on those days...either A/C car or the naked bike. Maybe worrying about oil temps on the 77RS is just that....something to worry about. Hey if it was Texas or Alabama maybe I would think more about it. So much of our riding season is in much cooler weather conditions! Think I answered my own question?

Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:26 pm
by vanzen
ME 109 wrote:Yeah I recall being informed as to using a deep sump for the benefits of lower crank case pressure.
I've just replaced barrel base o ring and head gasket on the left side, she was blowin' out the base at sustained high revs. All over my boot.
I think Roy was talking in terms of increased oil capacity to aid cooling?
I've often thought of finding a 'louvered' lower centre fairing piece instead of my '81 solid piece. It would possibly provide as much cooling as an oil cooler?
I will believe that the factory changed the fairing piece design to provide air-flow to aid in cooling ...
but then, in spite of the louvers, they did not do away with the oil-cooler, eh ?
Perhaps the louvers were to keep diode boards from frying ?
Bearing in mind that lower octane fuel available at the pumps
and a leaner burn required to meet EPA regs
both affect engine temps ...
later models (RS & RT) with louvers and the factory large sump –
still had an oil-cooler.

I suppose that the extra quart of oil would aid cooling – if only marginally.
However, the best advantage of the extra quart might be
the ability to disperse a given quantity of contaminants throughout a larger volume of oil.

Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:15 pm
by vanzen
moosehead wrote:When I redid fairing paint few years ago on the 82RS, I "drilled out" lower cover ...with a hole saw....

Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:36 am
by ME 109 wrote:I LIKE THAT !
Holesaw it is then. Thanks Doug, thanks moosehead.

What about a shotgun blast for originality?

Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:55 am
by dougie
ME 109 wrote: wrote:I LIKE THAT !
Holesaw it is then. Thanks Doug, thanks moosehead.
What about a shotgun blast for originality?
Bullet holes to match the ones you already have? :mrgreen:

Re: Oil coolers..why on some models and not others?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:04 am
by ME 109
dougie wrote:Bullet holes to match the ones you already have? :mrgreen:
Turns out they were fake Doug. :oops: They started to come off with some help with a pressure washer.
Did I say 'pressure washer'!
I wondered why it never leaked any petrol.