Wheel balancing

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ME 109
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Re: Wheel balancing

Post by ME 109 »

Initial balance results are in for the front wheel.
It took 1/4 lb. oz to balance the wheel. That is it took 1/4 oz, with an existing lead on the wheel.

To do the job properly I should remove the existing weight first, and start again.

However, I am replacing the original dodecagonal snowflake after twenty years of walloping, with a nice straight flake.

Can't wait to check the rear...... :?

So I'll balance the new front wheel (find the heavy spot) with a tube on it before putting the tyre on and balancing.

I might even get an approving nod from Duane and Vanzen! (a nod from Vanzen except for the tube thingy.)
Lord of the Bings
Major Softie
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Re: Wheel balancing

Post by Major Softie »

I don't know that Vanzen is "anti" tube as much as he is a supporter of it being practical to run tubeless on a flake.
MS - out
ME 109
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Re: Wheel balancing

Post by ME 109 »

Major Softie wrote:I don't know that Vanzen is "anti" tube as much as he is a supporter of it being practical to run tubeless on a flake.
Yeah, I guess so.
I have a leg in each camp with a tubeless rear and tube front. :roll:
Lord of the Bings
ME 109
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Re: Wheel balancing

Post by ME 109 »

Righty O.

The new front donor wheel is approx 28g. (1 oz) out of balance.
Just the wheel, no discs, tube, tyre etc.
I didn't take note if it happens to be opposite the valve hole.....

Back to the coal face.
Lord of the Bings
ME 109
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Re: Wheel balancing

Post by ME 109 »

There is a nice round wheel on the front of my RS now.
Got it to a nice balance with one weight, about 5 grams.

Marc Parnes sent some weights with the balancer.
They are 1/4 oz. steel.

So to be fussy, I part drilled one of the 1/4 oz. (7 gram) steel weights, which I'd say is now about 5 grams.
Lord of the Bings
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Re: Wheel balancing

Post by dougie »

So it's official.
Jeff is now a well balanced individual. :P
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
The rest of it I just wasted.
ME 109
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Re: Wheel balancing

Post by ME 109 »

dougie wrote:So it's official.
Jeff is now a well balanced individual. :P
I'll buy it Doug, but you'll have trouble selling it elsewhere I'm thinkin'
Lord of the Bings
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