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Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:31 am
by ME 109
Metzeller Lasertech (formerly ME 33) is a superb tyre for the front 90-90-19 @ 35 psi. (a bit less psi in winter)
Some say they don't like the Lasertech on roads with rain grooves cut into them.
I rode some rain grooves last weekend and didn't feel them. I expect there are rain grooves, and rain grooves.
The lasertech will not let go on a dry road with the valve covers losing weight.
Metzeller ME 77 on the rear is OK, cheap, hang on ok but they flatten off too quickly causing the wobbles.
We all ride differently, in different places, and will experience different results.
Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:31 am
by dougie
hal wrote: What about Metzeler?
I always liked the behaviour of Metzeler tyres. What I did not like was:
1) higher cost
2) low mileage of their rear tyres.
The ME33 front had an excellent reputation for safety in the rain, neutral handling, and compatability with other tyres. The Lasertec front looks to be the same as the ME33 but wih a new name (marketing people

Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:12 pm
by Motorhead
KauaiSlash5 wrote:My point is simply that I have no interest in debating or starting a conversation about what is the most important characteristic of a tire because I know everyone has their own opinion. That's why I was so specific with my post -not because I'm an opinionated snob from Kauai (really big of you Motorhead) -but because I respect peoples time and the concept of forums as a place to help one another by exchanging USEFUL information. I'm tired of forums and threads turning into pissing matches about how this is better than that and boy is that ugly, I'd never do something like that.
I said maybe a Snob............. but I'll appolizise and for the record your reply has some bite. I'd like to think I'm respectful as well.
I'm a craftsman and Know my bike to bits piece to piece nut and bolt. I study, learn and think I do alot myself.
Its thankful in the BMW world there is over 70 percent of decent people and most of them here
Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:11 pm
by Steve in Golden
Lyman wrote:Its thankful in the BMW world there is over 70 percent of decent people and most of them here
Over 70% eh? That's pretty good, hope it is better than the percentage of decent people in the Harley world.
My personal experience is about 88.7%.

Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:39 pm
by Major Softie
Steve in Golden wrote:Lyman wrote:Its thankful in the BMW world there is over 70 percent of decent people and most of them here
Over 70% eh? That's pretty good, hope it is better than the percentage of decent people in the Harley world.
My personal experience is about 88.7%.

"About?" You need to develop some more precise numbers.
Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:51 pm
by Motorhead
In Relationships the Lines are always fuzzy

Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:28 pm
by ME 109
In a relationship, I'm more interested in curves, than lines.
Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:49 pm
by Motorhead
Thats a good one mate
Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:16 pm
by robert
ME 109 wrote:In a relationship, I'm more interested in curves, than lines.
Sometimes you have to use a line to get to the curves.

Re: Tire Recommendations
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:56 pm
by dwire
A notable guy who used to sell the era of bike I own, when I personally asked him about tires as I did not want to start a tire, or oil thread on the forum, that "back in that day" the OEM tires could outperform HIM on the bike. Myself knowing this fella surely had ridden a few of these bikes, you know, selling them and stuff... Was and continue to be inclined to believe him. If I can ever get this thing together (financial issues...) I don't think I'll have any need to be outperforming that man or my 1971 R75/5 - for which I hold both in very high regard.