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Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:45 am
by Deleted User 72
Airbear wrote:Jean wrote:
I think Katie is using the procedure that I followed when I had trouble bleeding the bleedin'rear brake. I wedged the pedal down, went skiing for 10 days and when I got home, it was fixed.
Since this is an electrical issue, she is going away for 2 weeks to be sure it has time to fix itself.
In the meantime, we can run this thread all over the place.
Ah, Self Repair.
Jean, that is a whole 'nother field of interest, and I'm very glad you reminded me of its possibilities. Ferinstance, my leaking roof self repairs every summer without me having to even think about climbing up there to investigate the cause.
In your case, with bleedin' the bleedin' brake, I suspect that if we were to map the trajectory of your good self on your favourite ski lift during your 10 day skiing holiday we would find that it matched (in some dimension or other) the exact path of the bubbles that were happily rising in your bike's brake line while you were away.
So (bear with me, now), perhaps it would be useful to map Katie's route to the Bahamas via Atlanta, imagining the starting point as Battery Positive and drawing the line in Red (of course), and then drew her return journey back to the bike's location in a tasteful Brown (if that is possible), we could match that up with the schematic and find the answer.
Of course, if Katie were to lose her luggage or phone charger or have a dispute with a customs official or meet an interesting stranger during her two weeks away, these would provide very useful clues to the actual offending wire, connection or horribly expensive component.
Now, how to involve the humble doornail, the Bard Himself, and all the helpful suggestions offered by inmates of The Asylum ...
I gather you don't care for my suggestion to stake the big red and brown wires to the battery with them nails? That stings.
Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:58 am
by Airbear
Native /5 wrote:
I gather you don't care for my suggestion to stake the big red and brown wires to the battery with them nails? That stings.
Aw Native, don't you worry - I just thought your suggestion was such a transparently great idea that it didn't need a superfluous comment from me. It occurs to me now to suggest that the doornails could be painted red and brown, just so there is no confusion in the future.
Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:25 pm
by Jean
Just having to go thru the Atlanta Airport is enough to make ME reconsider going ANYWHERE.
I have found alternatives to Atlanta tho...the BMW folks have influenced Lufthansa to frequent Charlotte, NC and it SO MUCH NICER.
SEE how we can degrade a thread sooooooooo quickly.
Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:41 pm
by KatieR80ST
So now we are threatened here on Eleuthera by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Sandy so I'm wondering if perhaps the Beemer Gods are punishing me for not tracing the electrical problem on the ST while in Rhode Island. Just a thought, and certainly open to discussion...
Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:22 pm
by Airbear
Aha! The plot thickens further. Thanks for that bit of information, Katie. We are still on the case, and will factor that in.
Jean, Native et al, what do you make of that? A Tropical Storm. We call 'em Cyclones over here. Big winds. Blow yer house down. Islands. Rhode Island to Bahamas via Atlanta, where the airport is er ... not nice. So much stuff to take in.
Katie, we are determined to keep this thread alive till your ST problem is solved.
ps: If the air starts moving really fast, hang on to something that looks like it is seriously fixed to the earth.
Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:21 am
by Major Softie
Katie, as near as I can tell, Hurricane/Tropical Storm Sandy did not originate anywhere near Germany, where all things of godlike Teutonicness are born, so - it's probably just a coincidence.
Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:26 am
by Airbear
Major Softie wrote:Katie, as near as I can tell, Hurricane/Tropical Storm Sandy did not originate anywhere near Germany, where all things of godlike Teutonicness are born, so - it's probably just a coincidence.
coincidence? Ha!
Don't listen to him, Katie. Those Teutonic gods may rely on human faith to maintain their existence, but they still have influence EVERYWHERE!!
Especially in the wiring of geriatric motorcycles.
Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:17 am
by Jean
I heard about the storm this morning (radio) while fixin' breakfast. First thought I had was" Katie shouold have stayed in RI."
To get on with thread degradation: When I lived in Florida we called them Hurricanes, and if they happened in the Pacific, we called them Typhoons.
Once the weather service started giving them guys names, I guess HER-I-canes was not PC and HIM-I-canes was dumb sounding so now they just name them and call them T.S. (Real Native English-speakers will catch this, maybe some of the others, too!)
N/5, I have not addressed the dornails and the BIG red wire suggestion yet as I have not decided where the capacitor should go, or it's value although a '55 Chevy one ought to work OK. You are NOT being ignored.
Katie? Ya havin FUN? Tinned food and a can-opener should be stashed immediately.
Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:26 am
by Deleted User 72
Best to use caution with those big flux capacitors, Jean. Oncet that big red wire is staked down its "Katie bar the door nail."
Re: R80ST Electrical Problem--please help
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:32 am
by Jean
So in addition to the ded dornail, you also have a companion ded battery!
Not to mention toasted wire (s). Which makes me recall a short in a certain /5 which started with a toaster-tank but due to a serious short became not only a toaster-tank but a toasted-headlight-shell-and-wirin- harness.