Cam choice r60/5

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Re: Cam choice r60/5

Post by barryh »

StephenB wrote:So, 1:640, eh! I feel some weight on my leg, something is pulling there ....
As if I would.

No it's totally unrelated to the valve clearances, I just threw it in on this thread to cause confusion. But it really does work to reduce pinging. Yes I heard the theory that oil in the combustion chamber can cause power loss at max. revs when I guess you need the combustion to be fast but rarely using 7250 RPM I've never noticed. There could be a trace of oil coming past the rings in any case.

StephenB wrote:But then, 1:640 equates to approx 30ml 2-stroke oil per 20l of gas ... that's a similar ratio for injector cleaner used on a car.
You hit on one of the other claimed benefits. In the same vein as other snake oil potions like Marvel Mystery oil this TCW3 oil is very high detergent and they claim that over time it cleans up the combustion chambers. I can only say after a years use it certainly doesn't make them worse. It may do all the things they say but the only thing I claim categorically is that on my bike it eliminates pinging. I noticed a some tinkling last week when I was pulling up hill with the Missus on the back then I remembered I'd forgotten to add oil on the last tank refill.

The web is awash with stories of dosing fuel with TCW3 oil but I believe in recent times this is the original source.

When I was researching this to try and judge if there was any truth in it I found a reference from the UK BMW club back in the 80's saying it helped with pinging. Those guy's may think they invented it but there's nothing new under the sun.
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