R100RS riders. Neck pain.

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Deleted User 72

Re: R100RS riders. Neck pain.

Post by Deleted User 72 »

ME 109 wrote:
Native /5 wrote:Hey,... I invented that riding style on the way out to Ken's. You guys owe me royalties.
I believe you once asked me for photographic proof :P :P
Well, yeah.....but,
that was for some really important stuff. :shock:
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Re: R100RS riders. Neck pain.

Post by ME 109 »

Native /5 wrote:Well, yeah.....but,
that was for some really important stuff. :shock:
Lay some skin on me man!

Sunbeem, I too enjoy the ability of the RS fairing to consume gear. I have thought of making compartments but figured I would lose storage potential.
Usual fairing luggage on a decent trip for me is, 2 x 600ml water bottles, SLR camera, waterproof pants, waterproof jacket, main winter coat ( if I'm not wearing it).

How about velcro on the seat instead? :mrgreen:
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Re: R100RS riders. Neck pain.

Post by Armaguidon13 »

My 77 RS is OK with a 90S seat, or a 77 the solo seat is higher and don't give a great result for me
I've "lowered" the genuine RS handle bar to made it like clip ons, that's better for me (1,81 metters high)

My 90S is easier, but not in winter days here
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Re: R100RS riders. Neck pain.

Post by Zombie Master »

You have to fit your bike to your body. Be thankful you have tubular handle bars, instead of those silly cast ones.
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Re: R100RS riders. Neck pain.

Post by DucatiPete »

Hi all,
After getting my RS i've had the pleasure of experiencing some new pain ;) ... mostly in my forearms, my neck is Ok even ofter several hours aboard. However, I too get the tingling in the little and ring fingers, but i'm pretty sure i've had that before it's just that the RS has exacerbated/inflamed it.
After consulting google (& my GP) i've discovered this sensation is usually associated with ulnar nerve issues, quite possibly the ulnar nerve being entrapped or compressed in it's tunnel (which runs from the neck to the hand).
My GP says it's what's often refered to as 'golfer's elbow', as opposed to 'tennis elbow' which affects the nerve that runs at the outside of the elbow. Now, i HATE golf so let it known here that i definately do not have golfer's elbow - i will henceforth be calling it 'RS-elbow'! :lol:
For those affliced with the aforementioned RS-elbow there are some simple stretching exercises that seem to work for me. For more about this and other ulnar nerve stuff refer to: http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00069
I reckon the entrapment is in the wrist, due to the (relatively) severe bend it has to maintain, but i could be wrong.
( :D But, I still love my new RS! :D )
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Re: R100RS riders. Neck pain.

Post by Littleleroy »

I've always used foam grips and never had any tingling issues. Once past 40, I changed the bars to KRS bars to unfold my lower back a bit. Added a Russell saddle two years ago and can now ride 12 hours a day, get up the next day, and feel fresh. I am 6' 2" with long arms though. Still use the stock height shield.
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