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Re: Misfire- The lady that interrupts... ????

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:50 pm
by Major Softie
Ross wrote:
hools100RS wrote:............... Ross, native /5 is on the money! No screws to undo on Bings. Twist and pull to remove the needles from the slides! hools.
Reading what Jean said wish it would just pull out. Jean I have never heard of this stuff in Australia.
Then research what is the best Australian product for breaking loose rusted/frozen fasteners. That's what those two products do, with Kroil being considered by many to be the best thing there is for such jobs.

Re: Misfire- The lady that interrupts... ????

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:31 pm
by Ross
Major Softie wrote:
Ross wrote:
hools100RS wrote:............... Ross, native /5 is on the money! No screws to undo on Bings. Twist and pull to remove the needles from the slides! hools.
Reading what Jean said wish it would just pull out. Jean I have never heard of this stuff in Australia.
Then research what is the best Australian product for breaking loose rusted/frozen fasteners. That's what those two products do, with Kroil being considered by many to be the best thing there is for such jobs.
Thank you. Will do.

Re: Misfire- The lady that interrupts... ????

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:16 pm
by Deleted User 72
Ross wrote:
Major Softie wrote: Then research what is the best Australian product for breaking loose rusted/frozen fasteners. That's what those two products do, with Kroil being considered by many to be the best thing there is for such jobs.
Thank you. Will do.
If aluminum is involved, heat may help.

Re: Misfire- The lady that interrupts... ????

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:34 pm
by Ross
Huzzah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Took bike out to get warmed up. Set idle speed and idle mixture on side of road. Rode home. Put Carbmate on carbs. One carb was so far out it was not funny. Tuned in the carbs. Took for ride. Rode very hard. Wow I love how she is now running. She feels the best in the whole time I have had her. Also got rid of the popping on over run.

Proves to me that I can not tune carbs by ear. I did this last week and really stuffed up the settings. Thankyou Carbmate.


Re: Misfire- The lady that interrupts... ????

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:47 am
by pmonk
Omega, I loved mine when it was still alive. Unfortunately it died suddenly with about 10k of service life. Suggest you keep your points and set timing occasionally so if yours expires you can get home. Keeping the points as a backup was what sold me on Omega.

Re: Misfire- The lady that interrupts... ????

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:22 am
by Ross
pmonk wrote:Omega, I loved mine when it was still alive. Unfortunately it died suddenly with about 10k of service life. Suggest you keep your points and set timing occasionally so if yours expires you can get home. Keeping the points as a backup was what sold me on Omega.
I put the Omega in because something in my ignition system faild and the bike failed. So all the OEM ignition stuff is disconnected and I don't know which part has failed. :oops:

Re: Misfire- The lady that interrupts... ????

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:25 am
by Deleted User 72

That is why I've retrograded my GS to points-in-a-can. They come up on ebay now and then, usually go for around $100 or less. Another ~$70 for a Dyna coil. Think about it.

Re: Misfire- The lady that interrupts... ????

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:34 am
by Ross
Native /5 wrote:Ross,

That is why I've retrograded my GS to points-in-a-can. They come up on ebay now and then, usually go for around $100 or less. Another ~$70 for a Dyna coil. Think about it.
''Don't worry mate I have been looking for replacement parts. :oops:

Re: BING carbs "improvement" ?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:00 pm
by Jean
Ross, I didn't know about the screwed sleeve until I bought the manual, either.
I don't have any bikes so new as to have this "improvement"...all mine are the twist and pull (or push) to change the setting.
HOWEVER...the new ones are this way. Take heed, everyone.
Don't know what years this started showing up either...maybe only on the lean-burn carbs sent to the US at first.
LOOK down in the tube before trying to twist and pull. You might make an expensive mistake!

Re: Misfire- The lady that interrupts... ????

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:31 pm
by Deleted User 72
All my carbs' needles are twist & pull/push. I would imagine that a needle held with a set screw would be rigid to the slide, whereas the twist & pull needle flops around a bit.