Best BMW for around the world these days

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Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:40 am
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Re: Best BMW for around the world these days

Post by chasbmw »

The Enfields now come with fuel injection and various other goodies, changes that have to be made so that the bikes will continue to conform to today's emission standards. They sell quite a few of them in the UK, rather a potter around the lanes on a sunday afternoon type of bike, than something to take around the world.

I once converted a Honda XL 250 as a travel bike with a big tank etc etc, this was in the days before plastic aftermarket tanks were made, the trip was a bit of a disaster, I fried a piston near Munich and then the tank split in italy, so I came home with my tail between my legs, so to speak......

I then travelled to Australia overland, worked for a couple of years, bought a R75/6 and rode that home to the UK, this was a much better solution to the problems of travelling around the world, airheads in road going form are not that bad at rough roads, and you have most of fuel range and carrying capacity needed from stock.

The photo on my signature line is from a very rough road in Peru, up in the Altiplano over 14000 ft on a R80. Photo was taken by my (ex)wife who was riding on the back.
Replica 1070 R90/S (based on 82 RT)
1975 R90/6
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