BMW NOS points note.

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Re: BMW NOS points note.

Post by dwire »

I meant maybe my tank came pre-peened... :lol:

The other interesting thing I noticed about that advertisement for the "new blues" coils that I've not a clue about is, did anyone notice that it had no picture, yet should have at least one would think, yet the new replacements which is all that I know to be available are marked in the lower left hand corner as something to the effect of, "People who looked at this item also bought or looked at:" and it shows what is being sold now for the far higher prices - inline with other vendors. Did anyone notice that, or was that just me? I don't recall what I paid for the blue coils some years back, but do recall them not being exactly "cheap" by any means - not like an average 6-volt tractor coil or anything...

If I had a pot to pee in, I would buy a set of spares as I am quite sure the price as advertised on the page hyperlinked to is less than I paid prior and likely less than anyone will pay going forward until only the other ones listed there are all that is available...
Last edited by dwire on Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BMW NOS points note.

Post by Jean »

I paid US $28 each for my BLUEs back in 2004! Since the *order exceeded $50, the shipping (States) was free.
The same coils now are at least $48 and are listed as "replacement coils for 356 Porsche". Guess that explains the price.
(* should have bought a pot full!)
Prices were all over the map then too.
In 2008, I have a note that they cost $39.99 each. Well, should have bought some then, too!
The Bosch part number for these still ends in 00016 so they ought to be the same electrically. As I recall, the output is about 33% higher than the stock coils. If you get them, you really need new wires. Reuse the BMW coil/terminal ends, they are good. Otherwise use NGK plug caps; I have "watercraft" caps on my bike that goes on long trips.
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Re: BMW NOS points note.

Post by Chuey »

Airbear wrote:With shipping by USPS Priority Mail (the cheapest option they offer) total is $114, so cheaper than buying one coil here in Oz. Australian retailers have been robbing us forever. Now with a competitive global market they are shouting "unfair" and seem to be putting up their prices even more.
Charlie, I would expect that there is a competitive marketplace regulating prices in Australia. Things like distribution channels can really affect how retail prices are. Are your auto parts store guys part of Australia's one percent? If they've been taking astronomical mark-ups, they should be. If they are paying more for goods and then marking them up, they are not really robbing you as much as trying to keep their heads above water.

Chuey............defender of the retailer
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