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1975 R60/6 Ignition System Condensor Installation

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:51 pm
by bk1977

I am replacing the Ignition system condensor and points on my 1975 R60/6.

When installing the new condensor [12 11 1 351 564], I am seeing that both electrical connectors on the condensor appear to be identical. Is there a specific connection required when attaching the electrical leads upon installation? I am not seeing any markings for polarity or specific connection on the condensor itself.

Many thanks,


Re: 1975 R60/6 Ignition System Condensor Installation

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 4:31 am
by boxme60
Did you progress any further on that point?

Re: 1975 R60/6 Ignition System Condensor Installation

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:44 pm
by bk1977

I did make some progress, I spoke to the team at Euro MotoElectric where I purchased the points and condensor from. Here was there response to the question in the initial post above:

"Thank you for your purchase!
The condenser has no polarity – the outer case is grounded and the spade connectors are both positive.
Hope that helps?"

Condensor and points are installed and so far so good on startup.

Thanks for asking,
