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‘95 Mystic

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 8:27 pm
by justruss
I posted an intro several weeks ago-
now it is time to ask for help...
the left mirror vibrates pretty bad
(the right one is quite a bit better)
any good ideas to help minimize this annoying unpleasantness?

I also found a solution to a difficulty
(I one asked)
adjusted the little rod shorter on the shift
linkage to raise shifter approx 3/4”
really helped toe access underneath it

Re: ‘95 Mystic

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:23 pm
by SteveD
That shifter does have some adjustment to help customize to our different clodhoppers!

Is the glass loose in the mirror body? If so, run a thin rim of clear silicone around the edge. If it is loose, you might be able to test it via a shim underneath the edge to take up any potential space, eg some paper.

If the attachment at the handlebar isn't tight due to any reason, then start there.

A good carb tune might help but less likely as the right side seems ok.

Re: ‘95 Mystic

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:06 am
by melville
Yes, I need to upgrade to the adjustable linkage on my 1978 /7! It's just a wee spot off compared to the adjustable setup on my /6.

Try taping a large coin or two to the backside (non-glass side, actually front as seen on the bike) of the mirror to see if the weight shifts the vibratory range of the mirror. If successful, look to replace that weight with something that looks less hokey.

Re: ‘95 Mystic

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:22 pm
by Seth
Possibly your chasing a symptom and not the problem.
Is the engine running smoothly?
Did you balance the carbs, check the valves and do a compression check?
Also, my Mystic vibrates more below 3500, but runs glass smooth at 4K.